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Everything posted by Newton

  1. Newton


    What does the designation “All Reds” indicate/mean?
  2. Whatever those are that’s a really nice looking handful of marbles!
  3. Is your comment in reference to the parallel surface marks in the third photo? Is that what all “stress fractures” generally appear as? Are they more common in certain makers than in others?
  4. Newton

    2 WVS

    I think the second one certainly “looks” newer but not recently modern newer than the first but I’m going by what seems to be surface wear. Does the surface of the first seem a bit less shiny to you? The colors look virtually identical to me.
  5. Holy cow. Where the heck?!?! I don’t think I’ve seen that many of any one flavor of marble. They all look so clean!
  6. Very helpful and wicked nice marbles.
  7. My eyes were getting crossed spending time in Steph’s study hall so I need a diversion. I’ve been trying to get in touch with my inner cat. I don’t have many but these don’t look much like garden variety cat’s eyes so maybe some feedback will help i. d. these few(mostly) cat’s eyes. The little one is the smallest marble I have. It measures .488” or 12.45mm. I read here recently about a “banana” cat’s eye, (I think) is that what the top left is? Is everything but the lower right a cat’s eye? All modern?
  8. I haven’t seen any known or knowingly polished marbles before. I understand and agree with the idea of why not to do so but these polished ones do look fabulous!
  9. Yeah, no kidding. I’m in agreement with the both of you btw! Virtually all the marbles there are mislabeled. I just wondered about that particular one because it was different. I keep stopping by hoping they’ll put out something worthwhile to me, even if they have no clue what it is. Marbles are a low priority for them.
  10. I visit this shop every couple of weeks. They bought another shop’s complete inventory including scads of marbles + many more in boxes they haven’t even opened. None are priced except a big bowl of cat’s eye marbles. “We have a guy coming to look at them and tell us what to sell them for. I look every visit but haven’t bought anything. This one interests me. It’s close to 9/16 I think. First shot is it in the lower left of the drawer (cabinet has 60 drawers of marbles!)
  11. Your information regarding the transparent glass is what I was looking for. The glass isn’t actually thicker on the butterscotch, it just appears 3D-ish when compared to the red one. The green marble is one of my favorites because of how it looks. I hadn’t heard the term pocket marble yet so thanks for that!
  12. I think these marbles are Alley but I could be dead wrong 😑. I’m wondering about the differences how some of the glass looks thicker? gloopy? (the butterscotch color), and some look thinner (the red). Does that have to do with the glass quality or the temperature when made? Does the rate of cooling affect how it looks? On the green one is the dull finish from being buried for a time? Are they all Alley?
  13. That’s a beauty. I bet it looks even nicer in natural light. What camera are you using to take your photos with? The staging and the light looks good. My eyes could be tired but the focus seems a tiny bit off.
  14. Here is a Vacor I have. Size 1.631”! $1 thrift store buy.
  15. I’m curious as to what is the primary clue in determining the difference between a spiral, corkscrew or snake? For instance, is a snake design called that because it “sort of” looks like a snake? Has a “head” and a “tail”? I would call this roughly 1/2” (no caliper yet. btw is there a preferred style type or maker best for sizing marbles?) marble a snake using that definition. I also like the colors on this marble and haven’t seen any similar. Does it have a “name”?
  16. Are the staples right as seen in other examples? The Shur Shooter bag is stapled 3(?) times, two from the back side and one from the front and the two lower staples seem to be a different metal.
  17. I’m new here but I just want to say I hope you’re on the mend soon and I think your “good marble buddy” should now get an upgrade to “great marble buddy” for that thoughtful box.
  18. Thank you everyone for your comments and information. I changed the tag to reflect the akro i. d.
  19. The marble is 3/4” (or so) and the photos include one flash shot and one backlit shot.
  20. Hi ya’ll. I’m new to this forum and wow there seems like a lot of great info here. I was referred here so I could perhaps learn more about the history of where and how this marble was made. I posted this on the u/Marbles group on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Marbles/comments/10klbg6/i_cant_recall_where_i_got_this_34_marble_or_how/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf and got some initially conflicting feedback but the consensus seem to agree this is a CAC red two tone (possibly three or four) colored slag. Any comments of known or supposed history is welcome. Thanks!
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