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Everything posted by Kimbernugs

  1. I've seen several of these rainbo color combos and they all seem to look like they were hit with a paintball. Is this a named mib or is this just how the glass types reacte
  2. Thanks Ric - I saw a pic of a blue zebra and was kinda hopeful, but I think it's a pretty rainbo as well. The blue is so vibrant. I always question if foreign when I see that and in such good shape. It's hard to believe I have some great mibs in some of the lots I've taken chances on.
  3. 11/16ths. Can't recall if I asked about this one already. Could it be Pelt? No AV
  4. 19/32nds Pretty beat up, but I haven't seen many in this color orange. Help appreciated!
  5. Thanks for taking time to look at it. I think I was just overly tired or something and went down a rabbit hole of my own making.
  6. I've labeled them and basically am perplexed that they are the exact same size, condition (like brand new) and the yellows and reds are exactly the same. In hand I can put them right next to one another and it's obvious. I was just wondering if the corks were Akro and not Jabo. I'm assuming the middle mib, #2, is a Jabo.
  7. I need to post these a bit differently. I'm gonna scrap this and re-do.
  8. I'm assuming you are talking about this one. The numbers got all our of whack when I started the individual pics. My bad.
  9. I just realized that besides being peewee, it's got aventurine in that aqua/bluish part. Not a ton, but it's def there.
  10. Kimbernugs


    9/16ths Opaque base. Does not react to UV.
  11. I had these 2 corks in with my Akros, then came across what I believe is a Jabo Superman (albeit not a great one, but I digress). Cork 1 is yellow on red and cork 3 is reversed. The thing is, the colors are all the same. Like exactly. And the "corks" look super brand new, which leads me to ask... are these all Jabo? Did they produce corkscrews? They are each exactly 9/16ths.
  12. #2 ‐ 19/32 The color is deeper than the pics show
  13. I'm thinking some sort of Jabo classic. #3 I'm not as sure about.
  14. I actually had it in with my Vitros, but then I was totally questioning myself.
  15. It's a beauty, but does have a chink out of it. It still displays nicely!
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