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Everything posted by davesnothere

  1. Early editions colors on the monet? Seem a bit dark. Shooter piccaso it looks to good I thought it was hand brushed at first look. Thanks
  2. Lined crock the green and blue are rarer they usually appear in blue only.
  3. Here's another oldie 1.5 I think didn't measure it. I took a pic this with a nikon full frame and a nikkor macro and one with a Samsung phone. Hands down the Samsung is better
  4. Ahh you may have it.I've never seen a Parrot until today. The Billes Vacor list doesn't show a 42mm though, but that means nothing. Thanks
  5. Would you call this toe breaker a sunset with blue or a Sun without the iridescent finish. Or something else.. TIA
  6. Being a former antique dealer I have the collecting bug BAD. I collect music items . Hundreds of vintage rock shirts pin back buttons , autoraphed albums, cds and rock biography. I have two rooms full of cds and dvds's also my marbles . Lots of bits of antiques even have a Christianian work bench but not that Christianian lol.
  7. I worked for a bit in steel mills , duties included cleaning coke ovens after they blew apart. Temperature was so hot we worked in 5 min shifts. True story I quit after 3 friends died in an oven that had zero oxygen. First when in following the next and the next. 38 years later it's still in court. I didn't show up for my shift that night , some kind of luck I guess.
  8. Some of my favorites for Thursdays pictures
  9. Watching I see the wonky pelt as well after a hard look .. good call @akroorka
  10. I feeling peltier as well
  11. Excellent information 👌 thanks now I have to go through some shooters that might be Akro now . Lol I'm always learning.
  12. I like them too , so few red and whites in my collection! ALSO My vacor collection is growing from all the seeded jars ( NO PUN INTENDED) .
  13. 1 is 6.0 " second .64" Found in a jar they look vacor but I can't match colors to my collection. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  14. A few for Peltier Tues. Left top tweener, a crossthru and a couple odd ones.
  15. Haven't seen these yet . Very cool they're done like the zombies.
  16. That's too bad a few are really nice in hand. I really appreciate everyone's advice 🙏.. Back in the jar they go.
  17. Quick group shot to see whether I need single photos. Top 3 in small group are red akros I believe, large group I added some orange etc just to try and balance color . Thanks in advance for any info. 2nd row left has orange peel and is semi transparent and all really out of round
  18. Sorry no pictures Doc wants be to go to hospital not doing so good with the Big C. Looked quick yesterday. Definitely a tuneup marble or early glass less clear then later Alleys , I matched the yellow up and it an Alley IMO. Hoping for RW since it came with some. Thanks and wish me luck!
  19. Cool I'll get them up tomorrow. It's interesting how the white changes with clear , it's something I just started to learn. Also white is B.... to shoot.😁
  20. Thanks ..But not so common in my opinion. The base has no clear that I can tell and is super white almost like an alley chalky. I can put it beside some commons if you think that'll help show what I mean.
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