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Everything posted by davesnothere

  1. @VaMarbles that's sweet , razor ribbon ? If thats a term haha. Have you shot that under water yet bet ya it pops.
  2. @Ric really nice colors I love the yellow Solid core, don't see enough solids imo 😉
  3. @Melissa I think vacor also probably Parrot based. could be japan but unlikely with the color.
  4. Nothing special just some bright colors for a grey thuringen Thursday
  5. Tough one clear swirl could be anything in my opinion maybe alley? Love the space junk in this
  6. Isn't that what's referred to as a window. Vitro imo
  7. A couple of my blush line alleys for the wild and wicked West Virginias Wednesday.
  8. Possible ravenswood the colors make sense. Just my humble opinion ☺️
  9. Killer! Very high on my want list. Great find.
  10. Thanks you guys the best. I was pretty sure Alley as well. I have a spot lined up to show this.
  11. Have a good idea but would love to hear what everyonethinks. .61 thanks in advance
  12. Awesome thanks all. Its my first opaque that's not a placeholder. 😀
  13. I picked up a few thousand older Vacors , it's been a pain. There's a lot I haven't seen and a lot that look like American made. Discovered another beast in the Vacor lineup. Classic Agates way different then the old fashioned. They look more imperial in the seams. I think my sunset is in one bag here Not mine just Google searched.
  14. The two with white I suspected trilite early on .5" The sunset? I suspected vacor now I'm confused on both . Lots of debris in the white based ones
  15. That's why it was in my toss pile . Thanks people.
  16. 5/8 found in my toss pile Oops. White glows uranium green. Very close seams green base small bubbles
  17. Yeah Kim play is a French distributor. They used to redistribute vacor now they package asian ? Makes sense why I found them here in Canada . I'm pretty sure of the vacor construction on these. Mine now and I'll never sell em haha.
  18. My apologies. Having a bad day . All I meant was this is a rare marble for vacor. Limited run or for a specific vender , not sure but it cool to find a rare production marble and not and error renamed. Thanks for the clarity I still miss read text all the time I miss talking face to face some days.
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