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Everything posted by TheVacorFan

  1. Ok, just gotta let me cook: 1. Load solid shot ammo in a tank 2. Put a marble in the barrel (a toebreaker), right in front of the round 3. Fire 4. Profit
  2. Yup, you can see he knows what he's doing. Nice vid Stephen, those marbles were to die for.
  3. 10$?! Wow, that's craaaazzyyy
  4. That's one huge marble!
  5. I have my doubts about them being German. If those are "spidered" seams, the marbles are likely Imperial.
  6. Wow, that's blisteringly fast!
  7. It just looks so...right. There was also some goofy stuff like the Me 163, very lethal (to both, the enemy and the pilot/crew) but not so good looking.
  8. I can see why that's a money pit! Now, if you absolutely hate your wallet, you can get into mountainbiking as well Also, do you know the Messerschmitt Me 262? The most beautiful plane I've ever seen IMO...
  9. Wow, I really don't think that's Vacor at all, I'm surprised. I wonder what type that is, closest I can think of is the "Poison Dart Frog".
  10. Very cool! Yes, that looks to be an Akro Corkscrew!
  11. Those are Czech, not German from what I know. Very pretty nontheless, but IDK if they fit this thread.
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