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Everything posted by TheVacorFan

  1. I wonder why no one races marbles, it's a lot of fun! But be warned: The races get so exciting sometimes, you might have a heart attack 😂
  2. This guy probably has something to do with it 😂 (Skip to 19:20, where glorious things are happening)
  3. I didn't put them in bags, but I hope they brought joy to someone
  4. Good idea! I hid some on random playgrounds I came across, I wonder who picked them up...
  5. Yeah that's what I thought as well
  6. Here are my new shooters (22mm or ~7/8"): 2x Peacock 2x Sunrise 2x Blueberry Freeze 2x Pirate 2x Mango Twist 2x Octopus 2x Firefighter
  7. Very cool! I'll add my own shooters later
  8. What is the meaning of "<%>"? Also, I'm having a bit of a stroke reading the title 😂
  9. Can you please clean the marbles in the 1st and 2nd pic?
  10. Customer states: "Car drives perfectly fine", continues to decline repairs 🤣
  11. 1700 is A LOT of Sparklers XD Man, seems like you have good taste!
  12. Wow, how did you acquire all of these? Like if you have 10 or so, then ok, but this many of a single type is craaazzyyy
  13. Very nice! Very cool Vacors up there BTW Also lovin' those huge MKs.
  14. Wow, you really got some of the highlights!
  15. Those, as said above, aren't Vacor. Closest Vacor type would be a "Unicorn" IMO, but even those are not that close.
  16. The way companies handled dangerous substances back then, it wouldn't surprise me if there was asbestos in there along with cocaine and snake oil 🤣
  17. You're not alone with that! Blue and yellow are my favourite colours, so this one is naturally pretty high up on my list of favourite marbles.
  18. That must've set you back a good chunk of change...
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