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Everything posted by TheVacorFan

  1. 😂 Hi "ain't him", I'm... 🤣 badumm tsssss
  2. The "Oxblood" looks to be translucent and the marble looks iridescent. I'm not gonna outright say it's fake, but I'm suspicous of it being just that.
  3. Thanks I hope to own at least one of every Vacor type someday, but I think that's a rather ambitious goal Well, we'll see where this goes, I'm running out of space to put them already, as I have emassed quite a few up until now.
  4. Nice! I'm gonna buy like 25 new types soon (18 Player types - 9-10 marbles of each, 7 Shooter types - 2 of each), my addiction is taking hold XD
  5. Yeah the idea of the company sounds strange and suspicious to me, I'd only be interested in where the marbles can be bought.
  6. I just visited that website and I must say, they look gorgeous! I especially like the "Dragon Fire", "Bubble Gum", "Blue Dolphin" and "Emily Brown" varieties.
  7. I've heard about those before, they're awesome
  8. Those do look awesome, but what is a King marble?
  9. Woah, those are amaaaaaaazing, that Brick is awesome too
  10. If that store was near me, they'd have trucks of marbles out there non-stop because they'd have to keep ordering 😂
  11. If I was there, those containers wouldn't be full for long, that's for sure
  12. I'd have bought those in a heartbeat as well Several nice shooters and more in there.
  13. Ah yes, the classic "chips and cracks with a bit of glass marble hidden in there"!
  14. Yeah, that is one hell of a cool profile pic!
  15. I think that depends on what manufacturer you want. I guess purple and lavender or pink is good to look for if you wanna get Jabos or other modern ones.
  16. Seems like she hasn't been active on AAM either, so I can't say anything other than I hope she's alright. I've wondered about several members who just kinda disappeared after posting some stuff.
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