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Everything posted by MARBLEMISER

  1. How about PUMP BALLS? They were used in well casings as check valves. My guess is: They fit into a leather or rubber seal. when the water was pumped up. The ball rose to let it pass. then settled back onto the seal trapping it in the casing. when the casing was replaced with a more modern valve. The glass pump balls were smashed with another pipe & let to sink into the well it's self I have 2, one is 2 13/16" for a 3 in. pipe? transparent red & amber, the other is 1 15/16".for a 2 in pipe? clear with a transparent brown swirl thruthe center, like a twister both look to be hand gathered. I haven't seen or heard of anyone else having one? I'd like to seem them if they're out there> marblemiser
  2. Scoop I had these posted on a different thread. Forgot all about it. Anyway here's my pee wee box. http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/i...amp;#entry71306 marblemiser
  3. My Pics went to outer space!!! Sorry marblemiser
  4. I checked a little further in to this Canary thing. Like a Dr. I like to get a second opinion. This is an answer to the question. From Chuck & Diane B. you all know them right? RAY - I don't know about a poster; but, Geno Biffeny had a display case with actual marbles at Ottawa. Yes, some were called Canary's. Best bet would be to contact Geno. Unfortunately, I don't have his number; but, there can't be too many Geno Biffeny's in Ottawa, Ill. Not sure how to spell his name. Thanks marblemiser
  5. Hey that's what I thought too. When a light is shone thru it. It should look like fire translucent. I did read somewhere that Pelt made Yellow marbles & called them Canary's? At one of the shows, was a poster of the entire Pelt line. That's where I saw it. Maybe someone else remembers it too?? Thay's my story & I'm sticking to it. marblemiser
  6. No problem on re use of the pics. Feel free. Thanks marblemiser
  7. Steph The box is 5 1/2 in. square. marblemsier
  8. Glad you like them. thanks marblemiser
  9. Last one I promise. Of these anyway.LOL marblemiser
  10. Ok, one more after this. If 2 of these pics look the same. It' because I replaced the one with the Red one in it by mistake. You couldn't tell it was red unless it was back lit. So you'll have to take my word for it till I get a pic of it again. marblemiser
  11. seems I misplaced the pic of the Red base. I'll have to take a do over>
  12. Center is a Shooter CAC swirl the ends are Blue Ray's. marblemiser
  13. I have to resize a few more pics. will post as soon as I'm done>
  14. last cobras differen't views marblemiser
  15. sorry the pics are so large. It's going to take a few posts.
  16. Hi All Most of the Gunieas were in one group. There were 18 in all but I had to sell 6 to keep 12. At least I thought I did. Now like many others I wish I would have kept them too. The Cobras & Guniea Cobras & the Red base Guniea were all purchased from one person. He lived in Cambridge, Ohio. Oh, there are 2 Blue Ray's & an Amber base in the mix too. I haven't seen him in several years. He had a few more that I was supposed to get. He was very old when I got these. I as far as I know maybe has passed on. I guess I'll never know. I only saw him at a local flea market. He was a fine & fair man. Enjoy
  17. Steph The 3rd row from the left are PEACH. I think they might be rare. marblemiser
  18. Al The pictures are fresh off the press. That's a yes I still haveit. Soon it will be funding my retirement. But not too soon.LOL marblemiser
  19. last view Thanks marblemiser
  20. This box was found for me by my son at a flea market 18 years ago. Of course I had to pay for it!! More images to follow.
  21. Thanks Brad Mike stole my thunder.. LOL Thanks Mike those are sweet!! marblemiser
  22. Brad The chickens ate them because they were shiny. The reason there were ( the pee wees) to eat is. I shot them everywhere & at everything. The gizzard is where the food gets ground up in the chicken. They have to have something like stones, and or marbles to help with food digestion.. They don't pass them> So I can put the pics in my documents as jpegs? And list them here from there? marblemiser
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