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Everything posted by MARBLEMISER

  1. Let's see your foundation stones??? Here's a few of mine. marblemsier
  2. These 2 are from Alan's auction. The first one has a Ruby red Base glass, marblemsier
  3. Since it's now about flaming Lutz's ! marblemiser
  4. Cat or Kangaroo? Kool!!! Cat> marblemiser
  5. Thanks Duffy, marblemiser
  6. Hey Duffy, I have a couple of these animals. I never knew who made them. Till now, I just thought that they were neat. I have rabbits & a couple birds & a chicken. I think? What value would you place on them, in general? Nice find BTW thanks marblemsier
  7. I'll play. My humble addition. Is it hot in here?? This thread is smokin. marblemiser
  8. It looks like a Banded Transparent. But then again what do I know? nice btw marblemiser
  9. Thanks Kevin. I feel much better now> Is that one your's? Sweet!!! marblemsier
  10. last ones. OH! scoop. thanks I needed that. marblemiser
  11. I love it when someone ask's that question. It gives me a chance to show these off> marblemiser
  12. looks like a naked thick ribbon peppermint core. sweet!!! maybe? marblemiser
  13. The pic on the top left. Is a Golden Ruby Bee. Or as marblealan called it a RUBY REBEL. THe top right is a GOLDEN REBEL> I quit. thanks for your interest marblemiser
  14. Sheesh! The bands on the GR are black aventurine & red on a golden or a yellow base. The bands on the GB are black & red aventurine mixed on a yellow or a golden base. Either or is hard to find IMHO. The GR are sold more often on the bay, than the GB. still no pics? Sorry for the mix up. I'll keep my wondering's to myself from now on> thanks for confusing me!! marblemiser
  15. Like I said " not my name ". I think that Golden Ruby Bee was the full name, I heard or read somewhere? I don't think whatever sells fits here. I'm not selling anything. These mibs have already been sold & some one bought them. My original question was which is harder to find? And the price difference?? Thanks to all for the interest> Where are the pics? marblemiser
  16. Hi All Don't know if this will spark any interest, but I have a few of each Pelt Golden Rebels & what has been Called a Golden Bee> Not my names! I was pondering the similarities & the differences Also the $$ value of one to the other. The pics are & Values are from E-bay. I have seen MORE Golden Rebles for sale than the Golden Bee's The $$ value on The GR is almost 2X that of the Golden Bee. They have similar coloration & construction. Price range GR $480.00 $405.00, $560.00 On the GB's $180.00 to $380.00 What are your thought's? And let's see some Pics of your's. And values if you care to share?? Thanks marblemiser
  17. Thanks Steph for the heads up. I TRY to keep a low profile here & on LOM. But it's tough to see this seller fraudulently scaming people out of their hard earned monies. Keeping my chin down, bobbin & weavin. Left up> Oh! Defending myself at all times. marblemiser
  18. Steph on your behalf & because I can't let a sleeping flea bitten dog rest. I asked this seller this ? first his reply. Dear thefleamusketeer, your inferiority complex is none of my business, so why are you showing it to me ? if you cant understand what this means please go back to your marble forum and ask someone you trust to explain it to you ok. there are places you can go and people you can talk to so that you can get the professional help you need, but you wont find it at the marble connection or land of marbles. - youhave2bid2win my ? Hi Isn't the second or third of these that have been in your family? The first one was one of a kind?? Now you have a second & a third? You must be running out of clay? thefleamusketeer
  19. Here are a few of mine. I have a few more too. I think most of you have seen them though. marblemiser
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