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Everything posted by MARBLEMISER

  1. My 2 cents. What better way to SELL the claw feet? Maybe a Salesman Sample??? Neat item> marblemsier
  2. Looks a lot like JABO to me? also 3/4 to 7/8 in. to some one that uses a ruler to measure? Well? I remember seeing some like these at Smitty's. Also on some other threads. Not sure which run these were from though? IMHO marblemiser
  3. I read a book once! Not all of it though? Just the part where COMIC marbles were worth $90.00 + Armed with this info. I went to a flea market. There were Comic marbles almost at every vendor. All were 3/4 in, Some were $65.00 + My head was spinning,Like a kid in a candy store, with too much money & not enough knowledge. To make a short story longer. I managed to talk one vendor into selling me 9 Comic marbles at $10.00 each. Now, the not all of it part. First let me say all I saw was $$$$ signs. After my purchase. I raced home to look up all of the different characters I had gotten. To my amazment the Comic marbles listed in the book were most all 5/8 in. Also at the beginning of the book there was this little thing called A REPO ALERT!!!!!!! Hello? Too much money too little knowledge will cost you. Sometime when you have more time. I'll tell you about the Handmades that were really fiberglass ingots caper. Too soon old & too late smart. I like the Jabos BTW> marblemiser
  4. Hey Smitty I can't seem to get the link to open. I get an unable to find page? Also E BOMB's Any help? marblemsier
  5. And I'm not sure of the maker of the second from the left in this pic. Would it be considered a horse hair ox? marblemsier
  6. I'm not sure of the maker of the far left in this pic. I think it may be CAC? marblemiser
  7. I knew I had some other Pee Wee pics. These are MK And some of the crystal clear that were put in fish tanks. marblemiser
  8. David, The box that I have pictured are, Original to the box. I haven't even taken any out of the box to look at. 100 original Pee Wee CAC slags. NO swirls. thanks for asking. marblemiser
  9. Didn't Peltier produce marbles similar to sunsets, that are refered to as imitation oxblood? I think I read it in a marble book somewhere? They have a darkish red brown band & a white vien on a clear base. It looks almost like it's brushed on? If I can find my camera & the marbles, at the same time I'll post some pics. In the thick of things. looking like dried blood. is the way I identify oxblood glass ( in a marble ) anyway! marblemiser
  10. I'll play. Christensen Pee Wee slags. marblemiser 2 Peltier Christmas Trees.And some others
  11. Hey Scoop. Want some of ours? It's 18" in in my back yard & 10 more in. on the way today & tonight> I'm with hanging the snowman!! marblemsier
  12. Well it's snowing again here too. 10 more inches tonight & tomorrow. It's really rough on the wildlife here too. I'm not sure where these deer are going. My guess is to find something to eat. marblemiser SNOWDEER.bmp
  13. The pics of these mibs are the same as the ones he sold a while back. Maybe someone sent them back?? IMHO marblemiser
  14. I'll try 29. don't care who wins! marblemiser
  15. The base is orange, the ribbons are purple or blue! I have ( ONE ) that has both of those colors. I bought it in Amana in 95. Sad thing it is next to impossible to capture the colors in a photo. There was supposed to be one at the Buckeye Show a while back. Only I didn't get there to eyeball it. They are really HTF> marblemsier
  16. Thank's everyone for the info & knowledge. marblemiser
  17. This guy has sold so many fakes that it's tough to tell when he's not. If it's a re pro it's a good one! Don'tknow about the mibs?? FWIW here's the link. http://cgi.ebay.com/OLD-ANTIQUE-VINTAGE-TOY-MARBLES-CHRISTENSEN-AGATE-BOX_W0QQitemZ140377987160QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMarbles?hash=item20af2e1858 marblemiser
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/Marbles-Clay-Marble-with-letters-R-E-010609-3-JJ_W0QQitemZ200430673014QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMarbles?hash=item2eaa995c76 Here is an opportunity for you to own a clay marble with the letters R & E. The marbles is approximately 13/16ths of an inch (20.93mm) and is in excellent condition. Pictures are enlarged greatly to show fine detail. If you want to add an incredible marble to your collection, then this marble is for you!!! If this thing sells. I've lost all hope? But I'm gonna make a mint. All I have to do is get me some red nail polish & I'm in business> Heck I would even personalize them. Ah, what' your initials??? be right with ya> it just gets better & better!! marblemsier
  19. Just wondering where these marbles are made? http://cgi.ebay.com/VINTAGE-MARBLES-AKRO-AGATE-PELTIER-JABO-GERMAN-1-1-2_W0QQitemZ180460508088QQihZ008QQcategoryZ772QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286.m7QQ_trkparmsZalgo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D4%26ps%3D63 There seems to be dozens on ebay. Along with more nothing mibs for .59. How does one make $$ selling these mibs for $1.04 & .99 cents?? The amount of junk on the bay is amazing? any thoughts?? marblemiser
  20. marblemansion What do you have in the way of Peltier? marblemiser
  21. All I can say is WOW!!! That is truley a rare find. The Helmet Patches are VHTF> GREAT SCORE!! marblemiser
  22. I was told by the barber in Cambridge ( can't remember his name? ) that the second from the left was an Opaque Guniea/ FWIW Thanks marblemiser
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