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" Boys' Marbles Made By Girls "

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That was the title on some versions of the 1911 article here. :-)

Different versions were used as filler for years. The original might have appeared in the Boston Herald. Editors apparently picked and chose which parts of the original to include, trimming it as needed to fit in the space available. The version I chose for this post includes info on where the packaging was made.

There's one as late as 1918 with three of the same paragraphs, including the same production totals, but with a 4th paragraph about sizes made -- from 9/16" to 6" (size of a cannon ball). A different story appeared in 1930, without numbers, and it names the J. E. Albright Co. That one compared how Americans made clays to how it was done in Germany.

(click if you want a larger print version, but it's big -- 840 kb)


Here's what the Washington Post included at the end instead of mentioning where the bags were made:

(click to enlarge)


Here's the 1930 story as it appeared in a column called "Answers to Questions", by Frederic J. Haskin:

(click to enlarge)


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bahahaha, yes, I thought of you when I saw that! you're the reason I didn't even try to see what the article would look like with that end part trimmed out. lol

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