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Comics & Ppps


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Anyone have any hard facts or strong hunches about when the PPPs were made, with or without comics on them.

I'm working on gathering together info on that.


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So far, the earliest mention of peerless marbles I can find is 1930.

The first good samples of the comics, or picture marbles as Peltier referred to them, were sent to The Picture Marble Company and Fleischer Art Service on October 4, 1933. Some imperfect samples were sent out a few days prior.

mike b.

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Al, you just bumped Greenburg's back up my priority list. It had slipped off my radar.

And thanks Mike!!!

My best guess had put the comics as being made in time to release for the 1934 marble season, which could have meant a production of 1933. But I wasn't totally sure it wasn't later than 34. Mostly I didn't want to build some elaborate theory and then learn that someone knew the date for sure and all I had to do was ask.

So many changes seem to have happened to Peltier styles in the 30's ... it would be (is) cool to have some specific dates to anchor other estimates.

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p.s. The Picture Marble Company? Cooool. Totally new name for me.

And the Fleischer Art Service would be Max Fleischer's company, I suppose.

Any thoughts on whether the picture marbles "jewelry box" was sold to the public? Or distributed only/mainly as a sample box to business owners?

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Largest PPP example I have ever heard of was sold at Running Rabbit auctions on May 2002 and was a 3/4" blue based with yellow patch with an imprint just like a comic patch as 'Hoover for President 1932'. It belongs now to a good friend in Oregon.


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