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Gotta Say Thanks To Someone.............

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I just want you all to know that I enjoy coming to this site and hanging out. Some of you have been very nice and it is appreciated. My son and I now have enough marbles to look at thanks to some of you and the offers and I hope we are able to give you something in return. Thanks again.

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Nice thoughts Brian.

If it wouldn't be considered a hijack, I'd like to add that Felicia is uniquely generous. Very special lady. Did you have a chance to see these old style marble bags she crocheted? She sent them to me as a gift.


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yes, many generous people! :)

Just wanted to take the opportunity to send a shout out to Felicia as she's having a bit of a hard time. And she does go above and beyond.

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Well, shucks...I just passed along the kindness shown to me by many others. There's a lot of wonderful marble people here.

Brian, Just knowing that you and your son are enjoying your time together is thanks enough for me. My child is grown but still tries to manage to see me once a week..I treasure those moments.

Steph, I nearly forgot about those bags. So much is still packed away from the move.

Have a blessed and safe 4th of July weekend folks!

:-) Felicia

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I would like to thank the good people of this Marble Community and to Lou for having this forum.

It's not only marbles that have been shared, but knowledge and experiences. There are people here eager to share information, who take the time to teach those of us who want to learn.

It's great to learn of the days gone by and to see people keeping marbles alive.

So many wonderful people, so many wonderful marbles and so much more ahead of us. Thank you all! May your days be blessed.

:-) Felicia

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Hi Mr Steve, yes sir, Thank you for the example too. The older handmade marbles are fascinating to look at, there's always that awe of how they made something so beautifully designed without advanced technology.

How's your family? My son is ok, thank you for asking. My husband is ok but still unemployed, it's been a year now.

I think, along with the learning, sharing marbles is also part of what this community is all about. Having various examples to enable us to learn more about them is a good thing.

There's a certain kind of happiness when that unexpected marble mail comes along. Some folks have been very kind to me and I thank them whole-heartedly. The Lord put it upon my heart to pass along that kindness to Brian and his son with extras that I had...there's a cycle of giving that is one of the amazing qualities of this community. I am already blessed just knowing that Brian and his son are having fun together with something they both enjoy.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause and some are dressed as marble angels.

Have a great day everyone!

:-) Felicia

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