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Play Marbles On The Iphone


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Hello everyone,

Before I introduce myself I’d like to say a special thank you Louis Campanara for giving me permission to post here on your forums. :D

I’m Ann Garner and I work for Darkside Entertainment Ltd based in the UK, who are about to release a new game for the iPhone called Play Marbles.

We feel marbles is not only a brilliant game that is truly worth preserving but one that lends itself perfectly to the iPhone; being easy to learn, quick to play, and immensely addicting. Play Marbles follows the original games tradition of competition, sportsmanship and good clean fun. We’ve attempted to recreate the fun of playing traditional marbles as well as rolling in a few new twists of our own. Regular upgrades will provide a slew of fresh content offering new marble sets and collectibles, game arenas, play modes, and customizable features.

• Single & multi player

• Three game types include Ringer, Pound, and Moon

• Quick play, League, and Tournament game modes

• Four game environments

• Six sets of in-game marbles

• 2 FREE limited edition introductory marble sets

• Customization: Pimp your marbles using your own photos

• Great in-game soundtrack or play your own tunes

• Expanding range of downloadable marble sets and limited edition components

• Create, showcase, vote, discuss, and comment on the Play Marbles community web site

• Web site contest offers the chance to have player marbles designs included in the game

• New marble sets created and released monthly based on player feedback

We’d really love to know what you, the real marbles aficionados think?

We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions on all things marble, from what you love about playing and collecting marbles, to the types of games you like to play. We’d also welcome ideas for marble sets, arenas, game modes, game types and any features that you feel would be important to you.

To celebrate the imminent launch of the game, we will soon be launching the Play Marbles web site and the design a marble contest, which invites everyone to pimp their Marbles and create their own little works of art. The contest challenges entrants to simply think of and submit cool marble art ideas for possible inclusion in the game. This launch has been delayed due to some nasty viruses circulating in the UK but I’m hoping it will be ready next week, (fingers crossed). I’ll let you know as soon as it’s live. (http://www.playmarbles.co.uk )

In the meantime I’ve created a Play marbles on the iPhone gallery here at The Marble Connection and a Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=97869298804&ref=mf

Looking forward to your feedback :D


Play Marbles is on Twitter http://twitter.com/PlayMarbles

Darkside Entertainment Ltd can be found at http://www.darksideentertainment.co.uk/

Eclipse Interactive Ltd the game developer can be found at http://eclipseinteractive.co.uk/

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Hey guys

It appears we got off to a slightly misunderstood start here, so let me explain a little more. This site was recommended to us by some marbles enthusiasts so we approached the forum admins here to ask permission to post something that we thought would be of interest to fellow enthusiasts (as we didn't want to spam a forum without permission).

This is more than just an advert for the game. We are looking for fans of marbles to help us create the best marbles experience possible. We have made a good start with the game but want to continue to support it and the community around it as best we can. We aim to talk to marbles enthusiasts all over the world, both players and collectors, so we can build more than just the game. Whether its designs of marbles, different game types or anything else people want see in updated versions of the game, we want to gather enthusiast's input, hence coming to forums like these. I hope this helps explain the project a little more and look forward to getting your feedback.

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Duff and Billy and Ann,

As a small town guy, I don't even use a cell except when travelling.

That said, I saw a link to this new game for the phone. It looks real neat to me and if I were a cell phone guy, I promise I'd have it on my phone when I see you two next in Rono, OH. A major advantage to this game for old guys like you is that you don't have to get down on your knees to play...How would we ever get you two unright again?...lol

I think it great to see anyone or anything that gets people interested in the "glassy eyed gals" we all collect.

Congrat and good luck Ann.

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You'll be the first to know :)

The Play Marbles site and contest will be launching within the next week or two. We've had a few delays thanks to a nasty virus doing the rounds here in the UK. Fingers crossed, everyone will be fully recovered next week.

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  On 7/24/2009 at 9:26 PM, anng said:

You'll be the first to know :)

The Play Marbles site and contest will be launching within the next week or two. We've had a few delays thanks to a nasty virus doing the rounds here in the UK. Fingers crossed, everyone will be fully recovered next week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know that after much tearing of hair, our site has finally gone live. http://playmarbles.co.uk/ It isn't quite finished and the design a marble contest hasn't yet launched but hopefully now that swine flu is a thing of the past, it shouldn't be too long.

Players feedback shows we are rekindling people's passion for marbles with many now wanting to play real marbles, which is great. Just wanted to say thanks for your time and support and modularforms I'll let you know when the contest launches, you don't need to have purchased the game or even have an iPhone to enter BTW :)

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