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Decatur Marble Show?

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Pride of the Prairie marble show Decatur, IL

Saturday April 2nd 9AM-1PM or later. Room trading March 31st and April 1st

Hotel: Country Inn and Suites Hwy 51`just North of I-72 Phone 217 872 2402

Tables: Chuck Garrett 217 422 8454 E-Mail charlesm_garrett_985@comcast.net

See you there. Art

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Hey Art, thank you for posting the info for me. I appologize about that, because i thought thru the web everyone knew when it was. Art has is correct and i might want to add a couple of hi-lights to it. On thursday March the 31st we will be having a small mini-talk lecture show and tell on akro pigtails and multi-color augers and also hybrid popeyes, everyone should really enjoy this, it should commence around 8pm or after depending on sales in the rooms. Now friday late, also there will be another show and tell on PELTIERS from Ottawa Illinois. We will be discussing as many aspects of peltiers we can and may last quite awhile. I love doing sessions like this because of peltier being in Illinois and quite a few great guests from that area will attend. There should and be quite a varied examples of almost every marble that peltier made that everyone can see. If you all want to attend i encourage you to get your reservations in at the hotel pretty quick because i do expect a very good turn out this spring. I am looking forward to seeing all my good friends fairly soon. Contact me if you have anymore questions.

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I apologize, I thought I had your show posted on my site. I did get it posted on the Indiana Marble Club site but failed to get it right on my site. Thats what happens when people who don't know how to build web sites start doing things that are above their pay grade :) Thank you, Joe.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Griff are you packed and ready? Did you sneak back to WV this week,without me knowing? I will have the truck loaded when you get here. I will try to save you some room. I hope Chuck has us a couple tables? Fishing will have to wait until you get back here. River is high,at the top of the banks anyway. That orange powder was good in my chili. Thanks for the instructions by the expert and my first sushi !

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