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Japanese Camel Brand Cats eyes

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A Japanese contact described the style as 'Nishiki' two-vane although I think of them as four vane rather than two pairs...

camel cats eyes.jpg

Glass is clear but seems fairly low quality:

four cats.jpg

Surface isn't very smooth and lacks that 'polished look':




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As always, you have a way of making even the common ones look lovely.

That's interesting to hear about them being called two-vane.  Never heard that perspective.  

Did 'Nishiki' mean two-vane?  Or are they called both 'Nishiki' and two-vane as two separate descriptors. 

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14 minutes ago, Steph said:

As always, you have a way of making even the common ones look lovely.

That's interesting to hear about them being called two-vane.  Never heard that perspective.  

Did 'Nishiki' mean two-vane?  Or are they called both 'Nishiki' and two-vane as two separate descriptors. 


The common ones are lovely - it's those rare sulphides that are ugly ;)

I'm relying on google translate so take it with caution, but it seemed that Nishiki meant two vane.

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11 hours ago, ManofKent said:

I'm relying on google translate so take it with caution, but it seemed that Nishiki meant two vane.

It's been nearly 50 years since the last time I was in Japan, but I do remember that Ni is the number two, so I think you're on the right path. )

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1 hour ago, JerryG said:

It's been nearly 50 years since the last time I was in Japan, but I do remember that Ni is the number two, so I think you're on the right path. )

Thanks - I checked with a friend who has a Japanese wife and apparently 'Nishiki' has three or four meanings - 'Two Colour' , 'Brocade or Flag', 'Splendour of Colours; or 'Sumptous'  depending on context...

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