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Can't find this one anywhere any ideas


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I think it's probably an industrial marble with an annealing fracture . . . most industrial marbles were (and still are, as far as I know) that  color, which is a result of cupric oxide . . . the copper-based stuff that was talked about so much in some recent oxblood-related thread.  Which escapes me at the moment.  Going for another cup of coffee.

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I tried to put a note in the gallery ... but I don't know if/where the note showed up!   So forgive me for repeating myself here if you can actually see the note. :)

Agree with the halo being a fracture.

Don't know where it's from.  With the banana inside I wonder if it _could_ be Peltier ... since Peltier did have some tinted bananas.

Foreign is a strong chance.

For my third choice, I was considering Master.

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I added new pictures, but don't know how to attach them they are in the gallery.  It only has 1 white line in the middle like a banana.  Not sure if it has a fracture no signs of it touching the outside edge.  Is that normal.  it looks like a tornado in the middle of a sphere.  not sure.  I'm new.

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Hmmm . . . with a banana inside  (I see it, now - I think I was reading it as pat of the internal fracture) I agree it could be Pelt . . . but now it's lookin' kinda Asian, too.  Maybe I'm just burned out from the work week !

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3 hours ago, Michelle said:

   Thanks for the information,  I have alot that I'm not sure of, but yes an interesting affect.  Also have one that is purple with white and translucent I couldn't find anywhere.  any thoughts.


:) ... you've made me think of a game ... describe a marble verbally and then get people to guess what it is just from the words.  That could be a party game for a marble convention!  

But for now ... definitely need a picture. So many things this could be.  

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4 hours ago, ann said:

Hmmm . . . with a banana inside  (I see it, now - I think I was reading it as pat of the internal fracture) I agree it could be Pelt . . . but now it's lookin' kinda Asian, too.  Maybe I'm just burned out from the work week !

I think you were right about it being copper used to colour the glass. Somewhere I've got some Taiwanese cat's that are the same blue shade as industrial marbles.

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