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How to buy a great vintage handmade marble

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        The dust has settled after the sale of that mint 3/4” plus red mica for $1,525 - let’s see if we  can share our thoughts on what sort of vintage hand made marble we would shell out a house payment for and not suffer from severe buyer’s remorse?

Here are some of my high dollar marble purchase rules:               Do you have some to share ?

• Condition !      Condition !      Condition !
Avoid anything less than mint - then you never need make any excuse for a flea bite, no harm chip or any as made negative factor.

• Size
The bigger the better.  

• Masterpiece
Obvious example of a craftsman's glass manipulating skills - creating a marble that is an eye pleasing blend of color and symmetry.

• Beautiful production error
Creating a marble that is an eye pleasing blend of color and asymmetry

•••• A true test for a great marble is if a non-marble collecting neighbor sees your prize and says, “Whoa ! That is a beautiful marble.”

These are my thoughts on the subject.  

Please share yours . . .

Thanks for looking.

  Big Indian


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Good ideas.  Since we should not be collecting for the "resale" or "making money" purpose, then the marble should definitely be something that grabs our attention and that we like.   For me, while I like looking at the larger marbles - usually better patterns, more easily seen, etc., I collect marble around the 5/8 inch size (11/16 and less)   Mint is definitely the goal but it is tough to pass on a not-mint rare / hard-to-find marble that you have been looking for over a period of years.

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Eye appeal has always been the primary factor for me even above condition in terms of how much to spend.  I still kick myself for not pushing harder on a crystal brick, a pretty darn rare marble, in a running rabbit auction many years ago but the pattern just couldn't convince me to go higher...i guess that's 'losers remorse' and not buyers eh?

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