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Nice trio. Pelts?

Mr Meteorite

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This is a really nice trio, well, near trio. the first one has a patch the other two dont and it's slightly smaller also.

The other 2 are the same sizes, one has a larger orange patch. And a transparent grey base.

Are these considered grey coats? I seen pics of nearly identical mibs being sold as grey coats.




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Those are pretty Rainbos.


They are not grey coats or graycoats or however it might be spelled.  Grey coats are NLR's with opaque white bases.  

There is a Rainbo with a Civil War name -- the Confederate.  That's not a Confederate either.  Edit: pretty sure.


Maybe someone can find pictures. Or maybe I can if no one else does.  


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Those prices are way out of normal from what I see at about ten shows per year, I also think they are out of norm even for ebay etc.  Marble prices or values go up and down every year. Plus what a marble is priced at does not mean they are selling for that. Many people have extra high hopes. Some people price marbles very high which they really want to keep. Of course condition is the main key in price or value. A mint $500.00 with a noticeable chip will then be $100.00 or way less. Every pinprick sparkle or mark will deduct from the value. Some named marbles get popular for a year or two and then drop drastically. Some marbles hardly ever change in value. Usual mint two color popeyes in the last five years have been from $30.00 then $10.00 and back to $20.00 . Listed prices mean very little unless they are recently sold and numbers of the same. Internet site prices or values vary to the extremes. 

 I am confident that I could buy your marbles pictured above, at most shows for $3.00 to $10.00 each. 

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I wouldn't take that site for ID's. 

They can't tell NLR's from Rainbos and how many different combos are they calling "Confederate Gray Coats"?


I'm really sure a Confederate is one style and a Gray Coat is a different style.  And they don't have as much variety as all those that this person is putting under the same name.  I"m gonna start a thread in the main chat area asking for pics and opinions.


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