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 I always think back to who, when, why and what got me started collecting marbles. Maybe not seriously but the first time I was interested. I posted this marble on another thread already but this was my introduction to marbles that later led to a lifelong hobby. First mib was from Mom at age 10. Later in life during my first marriage in the late 80's it got serious , a friend of mine showed me a sulphide collection he had, I bought a running rabbit. When I showed my baby brother was enthralled, he called them picture marbles, I was "bit hard" and I haven't quit yet. These 2 mibs have made it through many years and a sale of nearly my whole collection in 2009.   My first mib was from my Mom, an aqua slag I've had for 47 year's.  This is also the only one she had left from her child hood. I bought  the rabbit sold it and rebought it from the same person since my original purchase of it in the late 80's. I guess good memories go a long ways as to placing a value on something. As for the friends I've made along the way !! there are things that can't be bought.    




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I have re acquired some of the sulphides I had but nothing like before. Hard to get a clean sulphide the glass is very soft in these old single gather marbles. Two of these don't even have a fleabite, I prefer the commons, you can usually find a clean one if you look long enough. These where the first type of hand mades I started collecting. With Pelts being the first machine made, as far as the Pelts, I didn't even know who made them I just liked their design and colors.


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On 7/12/2020 at 01:59, Chad G. said:

Ho riacquistato alcuni dei solfuri che avevo ma niente come prima. Difficile ottenere un solfuro pulito, il vetro è molto morbido in questi vecchi marmi a raccolta singola. Due di questi non hanno nemmeno un morso di pulce, preferisco i comuni, di solito puoi trovarne uno pulito se guardi abbastanza a lungo. Questi dove il primo tipo di mano ha iniziato a collezionare. Essendo Pelts la prima macchina prodotta, per quanto riguarda i Pelts, non sapevo nemmeno chi li avesse realizzati, mi piaceva solo il loro design e colori.


Are all sulfides UV or not?

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Hello Roby,

Yes, all original German w/ the green glow when a uv. light applied. I used to have between 20 & 30 before I sold my collection in 09. I can say without a doubt in "my mind" these are orig. Germans. All of these are pictured in Stanley Blocks book of sulphides and are well known common sulphides. None of the double and triple or copied California's have the glow. Here's another better pic. of a few. Two different running rabbits a frog and a pig. The light spots are just reflections, these are in A no. 1 shape. I'll try and get a group pic of them glowing, a more subtle glow in most cases than a newer ade marble but never the less a uv. glow. I included a couple singles of the pig and a donkey for I.D. purposes, Both clean examples and both are pictured in Blocks book, the same with the others. After I bought the little rabbit I read a write up on original sulphides, the uv. glow and the California copies, so I purchased a Battery powered hand held UV. light and yes!! it glowed, a lucky, "driving blind" purchase at that point. That donkey is huge, over 2 1/4 inches, you can see the size difference in the first display pi. I was raised on a farm in Oregon so all of these bring back some treasured thoughts and memories from my childhood. AS far as your "question" Roby if you read Marble Alans statements on sulphides, every positively German I.D. sulphide glowed and the unidentifiable or double and triples that showed in the 80's and 90's did not, so sulphides yes, German no. They've done some electron microscope pics of the  surface glass in the past and found definite differences in the two types of glass.




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20 hours ago, Chad G. said:

Ciao Roby,

Sì, tutto originale tedesco con il bagliore verde quando un uv. luce applicata. Ne avevo tra 20 e 30 prima di vendere la mia collezione nel 09. Posso dire senza dubbio nella "mia mente" che queste sono orig. Tedeschi. Tutti questi sono raffigurati nel libro dei solfuri di Stanley Blocks e sono solfuri comuni ben noti. Nessuna delle California doppie, triple o copiate ha il bagliore. Ecco un'altra foto migliore. di pochi. Due diversi conigli in esecuzione una rana e un maiale. I punti luce sono solo riflessi, questi sono in A n. 1 forma. Cercherò di ottenere una foto di gruppo di loro che brillano, un bagliore più sottile nella maggior parte dei casi rispetto a un marmo ade più recente, ma non per questo meno uv. bagliore. Ho incluso un paio di single del maiale e un asino per scopi di identificazione, entrambi gli esempi puliti ed entrambi sono raffigurati nel libro Blocks, lo stesso con gli altri. Dopo aver comprato il coniglietto ho letto un articolo sui solfuri originali, gli uv. bagliore e le copie della California, quindi ho acquistato un UV portatile alimentato a batteria. luce e si !! a quel punto brillava, un acquisto fortunato "alla cieca". Quell'asino è enorme, oltre 2 1/4 pollici, puoi vedere la differenza di dimensioni nel primo display pi. Sono cresciuto in una fattoria in Oregon, quindi tutto questo mi riporta alla mente pensieri e ricordi preziosi della mia infanzia. Per quanto riguarda la tua "domanda" Roby, se leggi le dichiarazioni di Marble Alans sui solfuri, ogni solfuro di identificazione positivo tedesco brillava e il non identificabile o il doppio e il triplo che si presentava negli anni '80 e '90 no, quindi solfuri sì, tedesco no. In passato hanno fatto alcune foto al microscopio elettronico della superficie del vetro e hanno trovato differenze evidenti nei due tipi di vetro.




Thanks for the explanation friend, and I renew congratulations on your beautiful collection!

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I have some happy memories of marbles from childhood.  That led me to purchase a few marbles on eBay.  An antiques seller told me they weren't what people like to collect though.   They were Jabo classics which had been deceitfully presented.  

That spurred me  learn about vintage marbles.  

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Hello Steph,

  I was recently introduced to Jabo, I was aware but never owned any. Well the bug bit it bit  hard, now all I can think on is the next run and how I'm going to acquire every marble that goes with it. A friend sent me a couple examples of every marble from the 2009  joker ll run, a pretty good sized box. At first I thought Oook!! now where do I go, well the where to just keeps going and from the sounds of it and the thousands of different mibs Jabo produced I probably will never catch up but its gonna be a great ride on the way. Many newer memories and many more ones to come I'm sure. "Thanks for posting Steph" :wave2:

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