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Polished marble pics???

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Time to show what ya got. Many years ago I had a group polished, can’t remember by who. All makers and types. Enjoyed them for a while, then sold them at a antique show as polished. New owner planned on selling them on eBay…

my polished Peltier Xmas tree went from red to orange, apparently a tell for Pelts?

AKRO corks always seemed to end up weird…

Polished german handmades are usually easy to spot, but not always.

will post some later tonight.

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I posted earlier today about some that are being sold as "beach washed"--the same trap for new collectors as any polished machine made may be. 
I have some saved polished Akros some place in the realm as well. 
These have never bit me but they have bit some of my loved ones giving them as gifts---it just burns my Donkey.
This may turn out to be one of the greatest threads for the uninformed.
I urge you all to get involved as I will tomorrow.
Post the ones that may have turned you to the dark side of polished machine made marbles. I just hate them--- Really!!
Just my humble opinion of course:worms:,

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Man, that Lutz is whacked on, it musta been beat, I think there's a thread here somewhere showing Pelts (& a few others) whittled to oblivion then split to see exactly how far the color penetrates the base ??  I'm gonna have to dig a little. Maybe Steph knows exactly where to find it ?? (I hope)

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