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Fun Hunt


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I was on a road trip and stopped at a local antique store in a small Pa town about two hours from my home. This shop looked like it was an old gas station, pretty small for an antique store. But you never know. I did find three Alley woodland camos and some others. As I was paying, they told me of a guy who had just stopped to see if they wanted to buy some marbles. I got his number called him and met up with him. I was hoping for the magic Alley find of super Alleys. Well, once again no Alleys. there were a number of good pelts and some masters and a few Christensens. I was surprised that most were in really nice shape. I told the guy that I was not interested. As I was leaving walking down his walkway, he yelled that he forgot a box that had some big marbles. So, I went back and looked in the box, there were about six handmades from 1 1/2 down to 1". They were a little rough for me. There was a really big MFC Slag, 1 57/64", real close to 2". I looked it over, not bad a couple small chips and some play ware. I made an offer and he jumped on it. I am not into them so I guess it will end up at a show for sale. Here is a couple pics, one has a 5/8 marble next to it for size comparison. Glad I followed up, but still wished there were Alleys instead.
The lady at the store called today and gave me another name and phone number to call about marbles. Man, another long drive in the future, I hope!



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10 hours ago, Ric said:

Wow, nice find. It doesn't look bad for the size - I don't think they made them much bigger. Have you ever heard the idea that may have been used in ball valves?

I have not heard that. It would be hard to think they were used by kids to play marbles. I would be surprised they could hold this monster in their hand and be able to do anything with it but throw it. 

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37 minutes ago, I'llhavethat1 said:

Nice find no kidding!  Never personally seen one that big but heard they got up there in size.  Check-valves is what I heard most (if not all) this size were originally for.   Now I'm wondering what all you passed up on? 

Check valves sounds pleasable for sure.

Or carpet bowling as well.

I have never seen one of these in a ball foot but there are rumors.


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