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1901-05-02--Marble Lore

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I have always thought that many of the moons we see on agates were intentionally made, and not just a result of two marbles colliding while playing typical marble games. Take two agates and bang them together, to make a moon seems to take considerably more force than one could generate by simply shooting one agate at another as is done in a typical game.

This makes more sense to me . . .

To quote, "Breaks" was not exactly a game, but a performance. A boy would sink his realer into the ground with the top just exposed, and his opponent would strive to break it by "pegging" his "boss realer" at it. The marble that remained intact at the end of the bout won the contest.  This act of breaking put "half moons" in a realer, and a realer full of half moons, but not broken, was called a "champion." To possess a champion was the mib player's highest ambition.

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