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Trades Gone Bad


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Here’s how one of my trades went down and I’ll try the keep it short. They saw an Opal I posted in Sunday’s Best and sent me a PM in less then 5 minutes. They offered $40 and I said that was too much and I’d rather trade. So here we go. I sent them the Opal,2 Cosmetic Rainbows and cool Vitro Cats Eyes. I want a Pelt Red slag and descent Brick with some white in it. We exchanged pics and were happy with the trade. They got their marbles first and were extremely happy. Here’s what I got. They weren’t the marbles from the pics. I’m not going to call them out by name. But I hope they open this thread🔥






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Here’s another one but it was an EBay auction and the Seller was a Board Member. I had won one or 2 auctions of her’s. I bid on a mixed group of Pelts with crappy pics she had. PPP,MCS and Rainbos. I saw 2 Blue/Yellow PPP and what not. In the second pic she had rolled the group around. BANG !!!!! There it was ! A Blue/Yellow PPP with……a Black Patch. No one was bidding on it so I knew no one else saw it. My heart was beating so fast. I was high bidder at $15. My Sniper bid was $107.99. Bang ! I win at $15. I go to pay up and it got weird. She sent me an email saying she had put a few marbles that she didn’t mean to in the group. WTF ???? I don’t know if you know where this is going ! But ! The PPP was a Blue Galaxy. Let that set in for a minute. So Alan ! Here’s what I did. I posted the auction link exampling what happened. So now everyone knows who the Seller is. Carol the Prison Guard. She prided herself as being that “Don’t you mess me” on Boards. Well ! She’s dead now. Louis and Galen banned her from the Boards. Maybe she choked on the BG and took it to her grave 🔥


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This is kind of liberating. Kinda sucks carrying this crap around. So ! I want my Brick and the Pelt Red slag from the original pics. Is this blackmail ? Nope ! It is not. I can’t believe it has come to this. Some people in the past have knocked on the front door and left with the original marbles in hand from the trade. I miss Scott Patrick. Oh Yeah !!!! Knock knock !!!! These belong to me 🔥


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So ! I see you lurking. You have my address. Please do the right thing here. The marbles are in your hands not mine but they should be. Just send me the marbles from the pics. Simple question: What would you do if you were me? I don’t want to be this twisted up over marbles. When I have them in hand ? I’m done.  I will always continue to respond to one of your threads like I have in the past. 🔥


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So ! Here’s to my most solid collector AGB She doesn’t have time to be on the Boards and could care less when she’s in frick’n in Costa Rico or where ever she is. She knows what I like and will just pluck a few marbles out of her collection every now and then and send them to me. How cool is that🔥



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Here’s another social media experiment I’m partaking in. How many of these do I have to drink until I UV POP ? I’m up to 6 and have yet to POP ! So these last 2 posts are definitely intended to elicit all and any comments from here on out 🔥



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