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Home made Display for about 135 marbles - Working on it - LOL

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Yes, I know I'm a half bubble off but I'm having fun.

So I have been saving up caps for my insulin shots as I thought these would make good pedestals for marbles.

Sort of a golf ball / tee situation. They are shown here in  a planned rough formation on my newly made wood and painted bleachers type shelf. 

I plan to make a more accurately measured dot under each one and drill with a same diameter drill bit and put them in place. Maybe I'll glue them in and give the whole layout a spray paint job yet.

Finished photos coming soon. Here's what this looks like now. ( 2 pictures ) It is maybe 22 inches wide and 10 inches deep with 4 levels.


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21 hours ago, The Nickel Guy said:

Maybe I'll glue them in and give the whole layout a spray paint job yet.

Just be carefull with what type of paint that you use.

Under lights they may stick to the glass--bummer for sure.

I used to use old "throw away" stryrofoam blood tube holders (back in the day when I sold) to ship marbles.

It might have been a drag to get them out-- I had to press them in, but they arrived undamaged.

They also make great marble holders (if they make them anymore).

Good luck on your venture, just remember--dust is a concern in any display.


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1 minute ago, The Nickel Guy said:

Maybe I shouldn't paint those pedestals after all.

It is a nice white background that will reflect light--maybe not😁.

White shows less defects such as dust😉.


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21 hours ago, The Nickel Guy said:

This might end up in my aquarium I never use.

Good idea!

I can imagine an aqaurium full of marbles displayed with little creatures crawling all over them--like Tarantulas or slow moving Lizards--no mice or rats please--maybe Hermit crabs---

Yep--I am a tad nutty--I just love this stuff!


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Thanks fellers! 

The drill press would be much better as I can control the vertical angle which should be straight up and down and also how deep I go and pinpoint hole drilling on the grid I will measure better. I have a nice neighbor, I have to catch him in his garage, or . . . there is a public shop in the city where I think you can use woodshop tools on site for a monthly membership cost. I'd have to have several projects lined up to do in that month to make it worth the $80.00.

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