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Everything posted by VTAndrea

  1. Thanks for the education. I shoulda known better after all this time but my brain is getting lazy. The seller has already refunded my money. It's good to have the Scott Patrick ones to compare to, thanks Mike. It's a pretty marble but not worth my bid if it's new, IMO. I really don't collect contemporaries.
  2. Well, crap. I forgot all about cutlines. I'm going to try to retract my bid. The seller says no problem if I don't like it; he'll refund my money.
  3. MF Christensen bricks aren't so uncommon but I finally came out on top of an auction for a marble. This caught my eye because it almost looks like a horizontal slag, at least to me. Tell me I'm not crazy. http://cgi.ebay.com/...:EOIBSA:US:1123
  4. Just a bit of whine......why do sites that host forums make it so difficult to post photos? I've run into problems at the orchid forum that I visit frequently too. Edna, I ended up using PhotoBucket for flower pictures. Haven't tried it here, have you? It's not what a technophobe like me would call easy, but not too hard. Steph: is it easy to navigate to our saved photos on this new host?
  5. Dani, is that last one a swirl type with aventurine ribbons? Never saw one like it before--awesome.
  6. I didn't even look at the picture, but the description says Blue Boy. I only know b/c I have one.
  7. Funny how I never think "remelt". Guess it comes from a lack of knowledge about the process of making or torching marbles.
  8. Sorry about the long URL. I tried to Tiny URL it but it wouldn't cooperate. Any ideas what this one really is? http://www.ebay.com/...499464505612488
  9. Just when I thought the avatars were back, they seem to be gone. I've set mine twice. Is there something that changed? Not a big deal, but I hate seeing blank profiles of people instead of marbles.
  10. If you can divide them into smallish groups and photograph them to post on this site, you'll get quite a bit of help figuring out if any are worth selling. Since you don't know marbles, you can put them into groups according to color or pattern. If any are terribly beat up, you can go on the assumption they won't be worth much but you can always give them to kids to play with!
  11. Hey, I just noticed avatars are back. Smitty, will there be photos to accompany the catalog?
  12. I was asking about gb-antik because Popeyeman said this in one of the posts above: One event that has not been mentioned is the hand full of marbles that came from gb in Lauscha several years ago. They resemble exotics in seam construction and patterns but the color palate is slightly different. They were quickly snapped up by American collectors and some were pictured in a recent book as CAC. Alan has offered them with a cautionary note. So what about those German exotics ???
  13. I think the seller I'm asking about was Gerhardt Baz. His ebay seller ID was something like gbantiks. I jumped on a couple of his marbles shortly after he started selling on ebay. So.......does anyone know if he's still selling?
  14. Does GB still sell on ebay? I've lost his seller ID. He had some nice handmades, I guess mostly dug.
  15. OMG, I didn't have to sign in this time. Wonder how that happened? Steph, thanks for the information. I'm going to try again with the same marble if that's true.
  16. Bill Tow's pictures usually fill the screen. I wonder if he'll be able to find a way around the image size restriction.
  17. Sure wish the forum would remember my password. Mon, my Thelma marble was one of the less pricey ones that she put on ebay. I remember being shocked that I won the bid. As I recall, most were more colorful and went for several hundred dollars. If I could enlarge the images, I'd post them again. I think the image size the forum accepts is around 30 KB?
  18. My browser always remembered it prior to the changes recently made. Je ne comprends pas....
  19. And is there any way to enlarge an image? These are super dinky.
  20. OK, I managed to get my 4 thumbnails into the gallery. Let's see if I can drag them here. I have no idea if this worked. Can't we preview posts anymore?
  21. Steph, I tried the code with brackets, etc. in the exotics thread. No luck. I had just gotten used to the old way of browsing to the image. Why did they do away with that? It was really quite easy. This board is going to get really boring without pictures.
  22. How come the forum doesn't remember my password when I ask it to? I have to sign in each and every time. Grr...
  23. OK, I spent hours today photographing, editing and trying to post 4 thumbnails. Finished one post and then it vanished. I have no idea where it went. I hate the changes made, including the loss of avatars. Sorry guys, no Thelma marble photos.
  24. I made 4 thumbnails but apparently others are having trouble posting images. I'll try.
  25. Thelma also sold on ebay. I got one of her marbles but can't remember the exact year. Now I'm going to go look through some old paperwork. I don't think she had very many. Her selling on ebay sure didn't last long.
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