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Everything posted by VTAndrea

  1. Is it just my computer or has the entire look of Marble Connection changed? No more avatars? And I'd really love to figure out how to change my gender listing to female!
  2. Steph, it's been a long time since any have been offered on ebay, but my recollection is that they are extremely colorful striped opaques. Not sure if they came as striped transparents. I never heard of any that were not mint, which is a little unusual. I have seen what were called "circus marbles" at a couple shows and these may have also been the same thing as the "exotics". They too are very colorful and bright. As far as I know, they only came in small sizes. It would be nice if someone would post a photo of one. Surely someone who reads this board must know someone who bought one once upon a time....Actually, Alan Basinet must own some exotics if anyone does.
  3. For some of us with limited bank accounts, it could be the only way to afford such a rare marble. Sure would die of excitement if I ever ran across one of these "in the wild" in any condition.
  4. I don't know how close-up you need but here are views of one that's more guinea/cobra. Hope it helps.
  5. I find them amazingly bland and wonder how many of us have had them in with our game marbles. I also long wondered why they were misspelled in several marble books as "Persion". Who was the original book writer who goofed up? Sorry folks, ex-teachers never quit using the red pen.
  6. I think Vacor has done aventurine in the green for quite a few years now.
  7. Maybe you could put a little ad in your local paper saying you're interested in meeting someone who collects marbles. The best way to learn is to get with someone who's collected for quite a few years. Get books, go to shows......just don't spend a lot until you know what you're doing.
  8. Damn, that is one gorgeous marble, as always!
  9. Ric, it's funny you mention the bird because when I hold the marble in a certain position, it looks a lot like the Akro Hero profile. OK, Les must have been wrong. (Maybe.)
  10. Wow, that looks exactly like mine. On what are you basing your Akro call? I just haven't seen many Masters this size, I guess.
  11. Les Jones saw more marbles in his lifetime than most of us put together, so I'll go along with his ID until persuaded otherwise.
  12. I forgot to crop the photos. Will post 4 shots if possible. I've lost my editing chops.
  13. Years ago Les Jones told me this 1" marble is a Vitro, but it doesn't look like any others I've got. Thinking about some recent past posts has made me wonder if it could be a "wedding cake Vitro". The green glass almost looks translucent but isn't. Thanks for any opinions. (I realize this belongs in the ID section but am hoping to get some input before it gets moved.)
  14. Hmm...I remember Hansel got one of my jaspers years ago when I used to sell on ebay. I still have 2 and never really got excited by them. Are they really HTF?
  15. I agree, Alan is a very repeatable seller.
  16. For a while I couldn't access the board. Now it freezes up once in a while but is mostly functional.
  17. I don't think the Blood and Bones type necessarily corks. They're almost swirly types.
  18. What I've been calling "Blood and Bones" shown here in the 2 marbles along the left side of the circle. The red is really blood-colored and the opaque white does resemble the color of bones. And yes, it has to be fluorescent, I think.
  19. There was only a motor in the photo I clicked on.
  20. Naked ribbon core and a nice one. More than I'd be willing to spend on such but everyone's got their faves. When they have such a pronounced spiral and bright colors, they command a high price.
  21. Whoever made that one was a true artist. Mind-boggling. I bet that one cost well over the typical mortgage payment!!
  22. Hey Bill Romanoak: Is the one on the lower left a Flaming Dragon? Love it.
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