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Everything posted by VTAndrea

  1. Bill: The only thing that would make your post even better would be to put ID labels under each group or individual ones. Some newer collectors might not know a CAC cobra, for example. Like Lou, your photography as well as the scope of your collection makes my heart fibrillate.
  2. I have a pile of little ones I call "wee wees", which are 3/8". All are transparent except for one opaque white. Any ideas on who made these? Were they for a game?
  3. I agree with Galen's observation, having once purchased a 3/4" guinea years ago that turned out to be reworked or torched. Fortunately I got my money back.
  4. The late Les Jones once told me he didn't think there was any such marble as a Persian (spelled incorrectly in the books as Persion) oxblood or whatever it's called.
  5. Bill, those are killers. Would the green one with yellow blobs be a cloud/Indian type? Love that one...
  6. I found some other pics of various transitional types. The first one is probably a "Barberton", if I remember the name correctly. I think this lavender one has a pontil; I haven't looked at it recently. Here's the small and large (beat-up) "Leighton" types that are really German. Another view of the smaller one. I got this indirectly from Hansel DeSousa. I think it's one of the most colorful. Finally, this is an oddball black/white opaque type that seems quite rare. Dan S. has one just like it, if memory serves. It's about an inch in size.
  7. Scott, you mean the big beat-up one I showed above? I'll try to take some pics later--right now I'm busy getting a package ready for you!
  8. I also have a beat-up one I found at a flea market, which is egg yolk, bright blue and oxblood. This is for sale if anyone is interested. Condition isn't great (maybe 7.0 or less on a scale of 10), but it's a full inch in size, very colorful and amazingly rare.
  9. I've never seen a china that looks like that.
  10. VTAndrea

    Marbles for Sale

    Just trying to see if I can upload some pictures that refuse to show up in buy/sell/trade.
  11. Looking to cull down my collection accumulated over 12 years. I'll run a picture in the buy/trade/sell section with a brief description of 12 handmade marbles, all over 1", most over 1 1/2" in size. None are mint except the eagle sulphide, but all are colorful and in decent condition. I bought these back in the first years of my collecting and overpaid for most of them, but I'll sell them with an eye on the market today. I'll sell them individually, in small groups or someone can take the whole lot for a very reasonable cost. If someone emails me, I'll shoot individual pictures of those that attract interest.
  12. Hey Ken, is the big one almost an inch? And is it the largest ever found in the guinea family? Drooling in VT.....
  13. Does anyone know if there will ever be another Running Rabbit auction?
  14. Wow, some of these chinas are magnificent. I only have a few:
  15. Years ago I had an orange marble like the posted one and had Les Jones give me an opinion. It too was (almost) opaque. He said it was a MFC orange slag. Alas, I sold it. However, keep in mind (again, wisdom from Les) that the early Akro slags were handgathered as well. So it may be hard for you to be absolutely certain of maker.
  16. I vote old. The air blow-out makes me say that, as well as the worn surface.
  17. Hey Ken, back in the old days on ebay, I used to enjoy watching what you were bidding on. It's no fun now--no drama! Did you get all of these at shows, private buys, what?
  18. Hey Bill, I know you're also one of the go-to people for info on handmades but I haven't seen your name on one of the forums in ages. Thanks for the clarification. The 2nd description is the one I've been going by.
  19. Somehow I'm thinking there's a little more to it than a cloud having a single pontil. Isn't it a construction thing? Sue, you're the handmade marble go-to person.
  20. Well, uh yes, I do know the difference between a swirl and a striped opaque! I was commenting on the post above mine where I Love Marbles was saying he'd never seen a 3/4" CAC. He didn't specify striped opaque so I thought he meant that CAC didn't make any 3/4" marbles.
  21. Are you saying you've never seen a S/O that's 3/4? I have a couple 7/8" opaque CAC swirls and 2 guineas that are 23/32". They're the real deal.
  22. Wow, what great photography on that last marble.
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