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Everything posted by VTAndrea

  1. I studied Rick's dug ones and didn't see the same characteristics that make me think Vitro. Many Pelts and Vitros can look enough alike to fool people who specialize in those types though. How's that for refusing to take a stand?
  2. Without a lot of reasons to back up my opinion, when I see those white filaments plus clear space, I think Vitro.
  3. Here's the tiniest lutz I've ever seen: an unsigned contemporary around 3/8".
  4. Jill, yes it is. I won a contest over at Marble Mental with that one several years ago.
  5. I don't think most of us realized how awesomely talented an artist she was, as well as a hugely generous soul.
  6. Add mine to the voices of utter dismay. I'd heard from her earlier this year and they were hoping that a new medication was going to help her. She has been a wonderful friend for several years. Recently we exchanged fairly frequent emails about our health concerns. What a loss to the hobby.
  7. VTAndrea

    Holy Crap!

    Egad, I'm sorry I started this thread. Seems some people aren't happy unless they're in a snit and I don't mean you, Sue. I was simply surprised at how much people were willing to bid on this marble. You'd hardly know we're in a recession and gas prices at an all time high. It's a nice marble and I'm happy for the high bidder. Enough said. Maybe time to move this fuss somewhere else??
  8. VTAndrea

    Holy Crap!

    Look what this 7/8 Superboy Alan B. has on ebay is being bid up to, with 2 days to go! :Emoticon-jawdrop: http://cgi.ebay.com/Marbles-MINT-7-8-PELTI...1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. Those are mind-bogglingly beautiful. Thanks for the pictures!
  10. I'll be the first to admit I don't know every type of marble but it mystifies me why the term has never come up before. Sure wish Les Jones were here to ask about them.
  11. The American Agates are under-appreciated, IMO. Here is one with a real tornado effect, in translucent white glass:
  12. VTAndrea


    Sue, I was half serious, wasn't trying to be too smug. (Just a little bit maybe.... ) Sulfides, along with many handmades, have fallen into disfavor with many collectors. I've held onto the human figure one I have, plus a nice eagle sulfide. I've seen pretty nice sulfides get ignored at live auctions, although regular antique dealers like them because they can safely identify them. Not that there have been any live auctions with marbles in this neck of the woods for eons.
  13. VTAndrea


    I have a 2" sulfide with the figure of a child crawling. Those are good to have, right?
  14. I've had these 3 marbles stored in my misc. box due to not having a clue about maker, but after studying the mibstified photos, I'm wondering if any of these are the snotties or snooties or even a Red Jenny. Tell me what you think. This first one is transparent amber with absolutely opaque white. The next one looks quite a lot like the blue one posted above. The red appears opaque in my photo but it's transparent. The white, however, isn't quite as opaque as the first 2 examples.
  15. Mibstified, do they all have the normal CAC cutlines?
  16. Joeren, you did it again! Please tell me where some of these flea markets are. My daughter lives in Brussels. Are there any I should seek out in that area when I visit? And no, I've never heard of one that size. It looks pristine too.
  17. I have some fluorescent popeyes, if that's what UV light shows. It still looks like a pop to me, but I'm sure others will chime in.
  18. Hmm, from here it looks like a popeye. Maybe I just need more views.
  19. Has the thinking changed on the anatomy of NLRs vs. rainbos? I was under the impression that the ribbons on the NLR are more surface and the rainbos have ribbons extending into the core. I see that Alan B. has called this marble an NLR. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...DME:B:WNA:US:12
  20. VTAndrea

    Caged Handmade

    Does the term "caged" refer to the outer bands being spaced evenly apart?
  21. Thanks for the great information. I've saved it with my other marble articles. The Tri-lites do seem to generate multiple nicknames.
  22. I haven't read my Vitro book in a while, but I believe this is a horseshoe type Vitro catseye. I've never thought of it as a cage style. Usually there are a few U-shaped vanes inside, thus the description as a horseshoe.
  23. I ran out of space apparently. Here's the one that belonged to my above post: To answer the question that started the thread, I really don't have a single favorite, but the ones in these photos are all favorites. My dream is to find an oxblood popeye and that elusive yellow/black popeye. Anyone got one for sale?
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