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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. Wow! Look at the aventurine in that black one on the middle row. Nicccccce!
  2. Come on guys! Roger and I can't be the only ones who like Peerless Patches. ????
  3. The top row is red with orange striping on a blue base and the second box is just red on a blue base.
  4. This is my entire Peerless Patch Collection. Edna
  5. I love it that you are still using the name Miller swirl to describe those. I refuse to change that term to anything else. I love that kind of Peltier. Edna
  6. I still like the idea of Bo's geriatric club. Wish he'd post that. Edna
  7. Steph emailed me that my browser was the problem, not my eyes. She told me how to fix it. Thanks Steph! Edna
  8. What amazes me is that you guys can read that tiny print. I can't make out a word of it. Edna
  9. That is neat! I remember in junior high getting a present from someone that was a bunch of grapes brooch. The grapes were marbles. At the time I thought it was tacky. I'd like to have it now. LOL Edna
  10. thanks for showing that. I've only seen the ones that have 60 marbles. Edna
  11. I've never seen game marbles in boxes of 100. Can someone show me one, please? Edna
  12. I've seen akro specials in a box like that. Ten rows of ten different color combinations. Edna
  13. I didn't know they sold corks separated by color. Interesting. Like to learn something new every day. Maybe that's my new thing today. Edna
  14. sissydear

    Holy Crap!

    Wow Mary! Didn't know you had all those. Edna
  15. Just gorgeous! Edna We've got 4 - makes ours look puny.
  16. I've been to a couple of places in Arkansas that sell cullet. One of them tried to tell me it was dug in Arkansas from the remains of an old glass factory. In actuality, they were buying it by the truck load from Fenton and selling it. The places I'm talking about have it outside of rock and mineral shops and you can buy it by the pound. Edna
  17. In your first cullet picture the white looks like milkglass. I've been told by Hamon family members that milkglass is the glassworkers scrubbing pad. They used it to stick to other glass when cleaning out their tanks. I have also been at Jabo when mistakes were made, the rollers were pulled away from the feeders dropping the glass onto the rollers. The molten glass fell onto the floor in large piles and was discarded when cooled enough. It had the circles (flames) in it just falling onto the floor. That may account for large pieces of "cullet" being buried with the other stuff considered trash. Edna
  18. Steph, back in the day -----they were all cheap. edna
  19. Pretty marbles you are showing above this post. That's why I put " around my answer about "vitro oxblood". You won't find black threads in it. Perhaps they used something that looked like oxblood to compete with that color in other companies marbles. I have several vitro marbles that are called oxblood, but it's not the same as the oxblood we all know and love. I liked the answer above about the reddish brown color fading out and becoming transparent. That teaches folks who don't know what to look for. Edna
  20. Did you look for dark black threads in the oxblood looking part? Vitro did use "vitro oxblood" but this doesn't look like it to me. This looks like reddish brown glass. Does it circle the blue eye? the marble looks like a vitro bullseye to me and they didn't have oxblood. I have seen vitro oxblood on opaque marbles. Edna
  21. Felicia, when I see hand gathered I immediately think of gathering glass on the end of a punty rod from a furnace. I think of furnace marbles. Hand made I think of torch marbles, working with glass rods, melting them in the torch flame. Maybe some of the glass workers can give a better difference in the terms. Edna
  22. I like that too. Isn't it a real photo? Wouldn't it be neat to know who the little boys are? Edna
  23. Nobody deserves this more than you! This is just great! Edna
  24. This box was made by Claude Blunk of Oklahoma. I took the easy way out and did a pic of the whole box rather than individual marbles. These marbles are 5/8 to 11/16. The marbles below are all 1 inch or nearly so. The marble that looks orange and black is really red and black. I had to add light and it faded the color The marble in the upper right hand corner lights up like crazy. The top left hand corner is called a clown. It's really an akro patch. The red/blue special is one of my favorites The bottom left hand corner is green, yellow, wispy white, and clear. It corks like a "C" Bo swears it's a 1 inch popeye and he wants to sell it for me. LOL I won't part with it. Once a marble makes its way into one of my collector boxes, I'm stingy. It's mine. On the second row, the blue cork is on a light pink base. I've neve seen that color before this marble. There are several oxbloods in this batch. The orangy one is especially pretty to me and the red/green on a white base is another favorite The top row in the middle is a pretty orange/blue. I washed out the color adding too much light. Got to get a better lighting set up for marble piccs. The bottom right lights up
  25. Well I am stupid! I was looking in the wrong place. i found your tutorial and I'm about to try it to post some corks. Sissy
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