Weldon and I bought some of the finest Akro and Peltier marbles in our collection from Mel. Once we even accidentally stole his black light. While looking at his marbles in the Tulsa show, Weldon picked up his small light. I asked is that yours and Weldon said yes. Mel didn't know who got the light, but was really angry that it had been stolen. When we reached our car, we decided we wanted another of his marbles so our friend went back to purchase it. Mel had packed up his marbles and gone to his room. His buddy said he was "pissed that somebody stole his blacklight." Our friend came back to the car and asked if we wanted him to go to Mel's room. I picked up the blacklight and looked at it. I opened the battery compartment and the batteries were PINK. I knew we didn't have pink batteries. I looked further in Weldon's little black bag and found our blacklight. The blacklight was returned to Mel, the marble purchased and we never lived that down. Mel always greeted Weldon with "there's the man that stole my blacklight"
We'll sure miss him. Edna