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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. Here's the color version. I've never found anything but biscuits and red eye gravy in the 5/8 inch size.
  2. I think you can copy the pics and save them on your computer for reference.
  3. thanks! The boro artists are really good. My first love though was soft glass.
  4. Pea Family in black and white. Can you tell which is which?
  5. I had been working on some Vitro Agate for a long time, trying to fill bracelet boxes with 16 of each. I finally filled my boxes with pea family marbles. Sweet peas Black Eyed Peas Biscuits and Red Eye Gravy And this unnamed member of the pea family.
  6. Some time back I purchased an eagle murrina from Ken and Sonya Schneidereit. I waited and waited to see what Ken would do with this murrina. Finally he put a marble on ebay and I had to have it. The marble is called "Eagle Tapestry" Opposite the eagle murrina are eagle feathers with glass woven in a tapestry pattern between the eagle and the feathers. There is depth in this marble that my pics just won't show.
  7. I love cold worked marbles by Andrew Brown. This one is a batutto marble.
  8. Rashan Omari Jones sent Joseph this marble. He calls it Sunrise Mirage.
  9. I can't go to Tucson and not bring home a new Kevin O'Grady. This year i added Kevin's Flower Garden Vortex The cap of the marble (larger than 3 inches) is decorated with silver and blue aventurine There are new flower milli's in the cap The rose is a new flower milli this year and also the large yellow flower
  10. I also added a Josh Mazet with a lot of detail. Josh told me he was going for a transition from land to water. This is bigger than 2 inches. A jelly fish on this side Sea Anemones
  11. At Tucson Best Bead I added a new Eli Mazet. It's Joseph's marble, just right for an 11 year old boy. An eye is on one side and a vortex on the other
  12. Mine are all 1 inch. Never seen one that was not one inch.
  13. These marbles belong to Lynn Johnson, Texas Marble Collector Club member. His marbles made me want to find some for myself. there are three varieties, opaque white base, blue base, and clear base. I first found the clear based shown here in West Virginia. Started looking for the other two. The marble on the left is a white based Berry Pink. Jim Garber believes the marble on the right was made at the same time and he wouldn't sell them separately. I bought both. I'm still looking for the Berry Pink on a blue base.
  14. You made me smile. Hope to see you in Marietta. I'm still thinking about coming to the show.
  15. Nearly all of the one inch Marble King show some white. Even these 5/8th show some white. These one inch show white in most This pattern is kind of like yours.
  16. Stacy, one of the things I like best about Vitro is the attitudes of the men who thought I was a nut because in 1992 I was searching for Vitro along with Akro, Peltier, etc. At that time, "real collectors" didn't look twice at Vitro. The guys saved them for me and when they came to Texas they gave me Vitros. They were considered worthless. I just kept saying "thank you". I bet now some of those guys would like to have them back. It took me a while to collect enough that I could see more colors in one marble than I saw in Akro or Peltier. And not just more colors in one marble, but MORE COLORS period, MORE VARIETY too. I love Vitro.
  17. My brain isn't working this morning. I can't see brontosaurus or a skunk. My imagination must be tired. I do see a swirl, a pretty one. Probably Champion or Alley.
  18. Looks like they were made on the Vitro machine, but I think they are JABO.
  19. I have seen marble king swirls, but only in the colors of the tri colored patch and ribbons. However, the colors in this one make me thing of Marble King peacocks as in the bottom row. Don your marble shows these colors. Could Marble King have made swirls with this glass.
  20. by the way, the yellow one shown with the orange one is not an ace.
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