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  1. Thank you to all of you. Sure is nice to know you have as many friends in so many different places and walks of life as I do. 57 it is this year and no holding back. Here's to hopefully seeing everyone at least once this coming year. Thanks again!!!!
  2. Thanks Charles. (The free marble was pretty cool also) Sorry Roger. ain't happennin. hehehe
  3. but I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you folks who did not bid on these 2 marbles. a transparent red snake with a blue/green cork on the surface and a black & brown popeye. thank you! Thank you ! thank up !!
  4. Not to add to the confusion but rather to help explain it a little more.... Lots of times you will see folks "sculpting" glass on the streets making various items. Roses, wizards, sun catcher's, etc. Typically EVERY time they are using borosilicate or pyrex glass, which as Scott explained fairly well is a specific COE. This glass, (the same stuff you use in your kitchen pans) is VERY hard and can take a LOT of stress. That is why you can see many of the glass artist make a glass item and leave it to cool down on their graphite slab that they work on. It is NOT annealled, however, normally if the temperature is not too cold, it will be ok and will never show fractures because it has cooled down slowely enough to not stress the glass to the point that it will break. One of the main reasons is the thickness being made. It is normally not that thick and can cool down rather evenly. However, a marble on the other hand is really thick in comparison, even a 3/4" size probably will fracture if not cooled down evenly and slowely as Scott has previously said. The compatibality issue especially with the aventurines and goldstone (Lutz) is that it is normally so soft that it is virtually impossible to anneal evenly. Here again a main consideration being thickness as it is used sparingly (due to cost) and even if just on the surface will cause too much stress in the glass for some fracturing, or "checking" of the glass not to occur. It can be said that it is the effect the artist was looking for. I would have to say that is what was decided to say after the fact when the fracturing or checking showed up and they did not want to throw it away due to losing too much money. As I am not a glass artist, but a hobbyist I get to play with the glass. I do not have to make glass that will sell. I get to make LOTS of tests and mistakes and like Scott I catalog them so when we do start to make marbles we want to sell, we know what glass we can use, normally how thick we can get away with its use, even if we can use it on the surface and not the interior or vice versa. Fractures are BAD glass. If you pay for "broken" glass, (except crackle glass, which is A highly refined technique) you are buying someones mistakes. Either bad compability or not enough annealling. Regardless, it is still bad glass. Bo
  5. We’re down to one month. Only 30 days until the first ”Virtual” marble mall show. April 10th, 11th & 12th. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Come & see vintage & contemporary machine & hand made marbles for purchase and potential trades. Talk to each dealer directly. This is not an auction. You will be dealing directly with each individual dealer @ one internet site. Dealer’s, If you have not started with your pictures yet, you might want to get started very soon. Please remember to take the time to place size, grade and the price within the picture. It’ll take your customer’s a lot less time to make their decision’s on your marbles and related items and your chat time with each potential buyer more expedient. If you are not sure how to edit your pictures like this, email me ([email protected]) and I can help you with this task. If you have any questions, please email me and if we need to talk in real time I can call you back. Just email me your telephone number.
  6. You want to truly be "fair"? Start the auction @ a dollar and let it run its course. The buyers know what something is worth, even if the sellers dont have a clue. One of the marble collecting community's many faults..... soooo many folks into marbles JUST for the money !! as proof, see the "I just don't get it" thread.
  7. Glad to hear everything is looking up Ms. Edna Sorry for the previous confusion folks. I blame it on my old age
  8. After him being there for over 24 hours, here's the latest I have from Edna... They have given him 5 pints of whole blood trying to get his white blood cell count up from 4 point something. After the lab work came back they have given him Iron and potassium as his blood work up showed him low on both of those as well. He is scheduled for the camera from both ends today in hopes they can find where the blood is leaking from. "IF" there is no leaking then they have to start trying to figure out if the bone marrow is not making enough, or, if something like the spleen is absorbing too much.. Regardless, Edna says he looks better even though he says he doesnt feel any different after 5 pints of blood. She did ask me to tell everyone thanks for the thoughts & prayer's. She was going to print them off & take them to him to read once she gets enough time @ home. Thats it for now. More when I get it. Bo
  9. Just send them towards Houston. Weldon (sissydear or Edna's husband) has been placed in the hospital. Seems his blood count is very low. They are running tests. Sorry, there's not more info, but thats all I know. I will update when I get more. Bo
  10. Sorry, didn't mean to think you were being ignored, however...... I know i'm not selling any of mine and I can't think of anyone who does have one that wants to sell theirs...... @ any price. Sorry.
  11. From their home page, they are shutting down. Turning off the furnaces. Really sad news for the glass world. Blenko glass website
  12. round rocks is what they look like to me. When I was a kid I dont think I would have ever even wanted to play for one, much less spend my money to buy some of them. Personally, I have never considered "ground rocks" as marbles. They are not glass. They are not made by a machine intended as kids toys and they are certainly not an art glass marble made on a torch or in the off hand method. ok, the boxes are printed as "marbles", but so do the boxes I make and they too are not marbles, just little pieces of glass. Lots closer to being a marble than a polished rock imho. just my opinion...
  13. Although the pictures are great, they really do not do justice to the glass in hand :Cool_653: Thats right........ IN HAND. as in yep, those marbles are right here where I can touch and hold them. hehehehe :Cool_049: oh yeah, we be partyin in the desert. :4Party:
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