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Everything posted by Bo444

  1. Galen, this is one of those times when you backup. You speak to us like we're idiots. Anyone can plainly see that the base glass IS the ribbon part of the pattern and you would have us believe that it is "only partially" veneereed just so you don't have to back up in what your saying as in "OMG I might have made a mistake!!!? The red is ONLY veneered. Just look at the picture!!! LOL!!!!! Just admit that you have made a wrong ASSumption and move on dude. Trust me you wont be alone in the mistake dept. We all make them, just hard to admit to sometimes. This is one of those times. Good call Duffy, Bo
  2. Sorry Bill, I decline ANY appointment to anything, especially a marble board. LOL!!! I am WAY too old to care and yes, I am VERY prejudiced in more ways that I care to remember. HAHAHAHA Thanks, but no thanks. Now, whats this about a resident smart As** ? THAT I can handle ! :rol: heheheh
  3. My point exactly Dani. What the crap is a "parrotlet" & "Superteen" LOL!!! I want to know who comes up with these names !!! If its in a book, I will accept it. If you hear it from a few different sources, it generally becomes tagged to that color combo however....... Since there is no list, anyone can name them whatever they want and those of us who dont keep up are lost. (nothing new for me on that, been lost a long time, obviously I still am) :rol: The names for some of the newer jabo's for instance. I dont collect new machine made marbles so I will NEVER recognize them. LOL!!!!! ok Steph, here's something else for you to keep tabs on. New or obscure names.... WITH PICTURES!! Galen wtf is NHA ? Do I want to know ? hahaha
  4. So a few folks call it a "leopard" and EVERYONE else calls them patches Gee I think i'll RENAME them "Yellow dugger's".
  5. There is no Akro "Leopard". That name has never been associtated with ANY machine made marble I am aware of. Bo
  6. A little word of caution......... Do not try to be the marble police. I mean come on now steph, your asking us to clarify so you can in turn tell someone else they are wrong when obviously YOU are not sure enough and have to ask yourself ! Think about it and let me know if that makes sense to you. Bo
  7. Bo444

    Holy Crap!

    RIck, Nice one dude! Galen, you'll be on the road to marble hell if you don't watch it. Wave as you pass me. I'm already there. ROFLMAO!!!!! Sue, they got planes these days that fly from Arizona all the way to Boston. Even further! Not as MANY planes these days, but still one or two. hahahaha
  8. Bo444

    Holy Crap!

    LOL!!!!! And I thought I was opiniated ! ROFLMAO !!!!! Where's Del when we REALLY need him ? HAHAHAHAHAHA
  9. Bo444

    Holy Crap!

    Sorry roger and rick. I guess I was the start of this debate. In my opinion...... Sue's opinion is worth a lot to me. Not only is she my friend, she has been into collecting and keeping marbles for a very, VERY long time. She's been around these grounds WAY longer than most. WAY longer. She is "mostly" a hand made collector. She has plenty of machine made marbles, but she does not get into them like others. I have been known to pay WELL OVER A GRAND for a single marble several times myself and I agree with Sue. They are JUST marbles. There will always be MORE marbles. Serious? LOL!!!!! I have been know to join Danny Grocki and Jim King seeing who can throw a marble into the ohio river from 2 blocks away Several folks watched us do this. Fishslayer Griff was even bringing us more marbles HAHAHAHA EVERY single machine made marbles that was EVER made, was produced with the intention of it being a kids toy!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!! They ARE just toys. They collectors are the ones who have raised the value of them. Cartainly not the manufacturer's. Sorry, even though I too have paid tons of money for single marbles, they are still JUST toys. produced to be an item to have fun with. They were meant to be fun. Still are to some of us kids who will never grow UP. LOL!!!!!
  10. Bo444

    Holy Crap!

    Once again I have to disagree with Alan's "name" of a marble. in my humble opinion (and obviously a few other's) this is no superboy. It is (by book defination) a superMAN. With the size and condition, i'll be surprized if it doesn't go close to $1800 if not over. It is a GREAT marble. Out of my price league for a single (even for a box full LOL!!!), but still one gorgeous marble.
  11. Josh Simpson ( and crew) make a 4 inch sphere and an 8 inch paperweight which are made round then they polish the bottom's flat. Geoffery Bettam also makes an 6 or 8 inch sphere. I think it's 8 inch Loren Stump has pulled off some really huge ones also. Dale Chilule's marbles "start" at 24 inches and go up to 6 or 7 FEET around. They are hollow and still weigh in at over 200 pounds each !!! The largest old hand made I have ever seen is 3 1/2". Collector in Texas (Carol Collier) has several of them. Machine mades, Galen nailed it as far as my knowledge goes. Vacor, 2 inch. Akro did make some machine made marbles in the 1 1/4" range.
  12. Sue's right about the "extra" times to make that box. I used the rejects as packing to send a box back to Sue. LOL!!!!! Her tiny bag is just awesome ! I had it in hand. I am VERY impressed!!!!! Mike, you deserve it. That box you originally made was a killer to start with. As fa as my marbles have ANYTHING more than yours..... well......... You need to clean your glasses. hahahaha You make awesome marbles. I just melt glass. Glad you like it. U dun Gud Sue!!!
  13. Mike, I have been playing with the thompson enamels for about 9 years now. If you would like a few tricks that might save you a few hours and GOD knows how many pounds of glass, send me an email and we can swap phone numbers. [email protected]
  14. Bo444

    Furnace Vs. Lamp?

    They make art glass. Torch (lamp) workers are restricted to size due to the amount of heat they can apply to the glass at one time. Unless you cross fire multiple torches, or have several people all fanning torches back and forth on a piece to keep it all virtually the same temperature ( to stop fracturing) you are restricted to how much glass you can keep at the same temperature. Thats a fairly small piece, especially in comparison to the glass houses or hot shops where they can make pieces (typically out of soft glass) in to HUGE art glass pieces. The folks who work the hot shops can make vases 3, 4, even 5 feet tall. A torch worker "might" get one up to 15 to 18 inches if they have a huge torch and lots of help. There are a lot of variables and the numbers I am throwing out are typical numbers. Not to be misconstrued with absolutes. Plenty of folks push the envelope (so to speak) and have passed these numbers BY FAR. However, "TYPICALLY" the torch workers just can not get up to the size being done with a tank, glory hole and 6 foot punty's. The off hand (or cane style marble makers) tend to look on the torch folks as less than them (here again NOT always, but TYPICALLY) I think mainly due to the less size they get. Where as the torch workers look at the off hand guys and think, TECHNICALLY, they can beat them virtually everytime, and, in my humble opinion, the torch workers are correct. There's no way someone working at 6 feet can get the same detail, or even CLOSE to the same detail as someone working at 6 inches.. Its akin to working with a pencil tipped paint brush as oppossed to a sprayer. Both get the paint job done. One very quick with masive coverage, the other with precision detailed work. BOTH have their places. BOTH make EXTRODINARY pieces of glass. Although they appear the same, they are FAR from being the same. The ONLY sameness is the medium being used. HOT GLASS (end of hot glass 101. LOL!!!)
  15. Bo444


    I don't have any nice corks. LOL!!!!!
  16. Bo444

    Master Shooters

    John, you mean to tell me I never showed you a picture of my one inch master's ? I have a few (hahaha) and even have some yellow one inch that are loaded with aventurine. Red, green and a tiger eye in one inch also. deadly ! I have some peewee's, and a couple with purple and a few with pink. Most folks think the red are the hardest to find. Personally, the pinks and purple's are the most rare for my money.
  17. Yo Buddy, here's that box...... in miniature
  18. The REAL worth of this marble is somewhere around $50 as is shown by the bidding of everyone who stopped at that price range. 2 bidders then had a bidding war and drove the price up from $50 to $175 or so. (that was bidder #5 and #6) Then here comes bidder #2 and #7 who have REALLY deep pockets and are just not going to be out bid again so both of them throw in a bid of $500 plus to make SURE thay dont ge outbid or else someone is going to pay dearly and boy did they.
  19. Dan, no doubt you can find lots of the pee wee clearies in 4 or 5 different transparent colors. problem is, in all likely hood they're going to be Marble kings. Who can tell with clearies, right ?
  20. Dan good luck. Seriously. After several, SEVERAL years of looking hard for them, I can tell you were about 30 are and I know 24 of them are not for sale. Maybe in the patches, but not in the sunbursts I have seen anyway. Bo
  21. I jane I just use "micro" because its what we have always called the ones originally made by Daniel Ambrose years ago. Mr. Hooper also uses micro from time to time. Sorry if I stepped on your toes with your naming nomenclature. I never intended to. Actually, never even thought about it being an issue. Daniel Ambrose and Mr. Hooper have somewhat of a constant size with their marbles. Mine are a constant change and I may make 100 marbles just to get 10 the exact same size. LOL!!!!! Bo
  22. Here is a list of countrys who have produced stamps relating to marbles (usually kids playing marbles): Common wealth of Dominica (Full sheet) Malayasia (Full sheet) Israel 2002, envelopes (FDC), also full set 4 individuals Singapore full set,4 USA (New York, Rockwell FDC) Australlia (FDC) England (FDC) International year of the child, Philadelphia, (FDC) Algeria full set,4 Germany full set,6 (Sweden) Italy (Lesotho) full set,8 Caymen Islands full set, 5 corner blocks Yugoslavia (FDC) Trinidad & Tobago (FDC/w 5 stamps) Netherlands (Belgium) full set, 4 San Moreno Tanzajnia New Zealand Mozambique Mongolia Macau (China) Suriname Kuwait El Salvador Chile Monaco Argentina Full sheet indicates a full sheet of stamps. FDC indicates it was a First day of issue cover. btw, I have all the ones with numbers, FDC or full sheet after them Craig Snider (Spara50) has quite a collection also.
  23. left blank on purpose, else my comments would probably get me kicked off the board. Some folks are just blind to the rest of the world..........................
  24. I'd be scared fror the animals. lol!!!!!
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