Being a third generation antique dealer collector I'm well aware that any antique (Antique means at least 100 years old, on most collectible items, cars are an exception to that rule.) or collectibles exceeding the $500. price tag, can and probably will be reproduced & sold as old! Marbles are no exception!
Don I totally agree with you, also have voiced my opinion many times on this "exotics" topic before. Marvin you are correct, the colors, both base & striping, are wrong! I'm sure I've offend some of my friends at shows, when they open their keeper case of CA's & I point at 4 or five, looking them in the eye & saying, "This one's a fake, and that one is a fake, yes that one too, And that red guinea, that is a blatant obvious fake!!!" The glass on those red guineas feels a little slick oily, and the transparent red has some cloudiness, not the red I see on my CA slags! Not the transparent red I see on my red flames on stark opaque white CA marble! With glass my fingers are experienced, you long time antique dealers know what I'm saying. Landon D., John K., and Alan B., I'm very sorry, though all three are made by the same maker, because I've held all 3 and know them to be fake! You know I'd have told each of you they were fake had you shown them to me before you bought them! I'm very sorry each of you paid $4000. or more! I think all 3 of you guys my friends, specially you Alan, don't know if we can get your money back, but will be glad to go with you and beat this guy, (who sold you guys all those fake marbles) severely about the head and shoulders, but he's made enough off those fake suckers buy now's probably hired mussel or is unavailable! Ken I can see how you would think this topic a can of worms with as much $ as you've spent on those, oh well that book authenticates them for you, so they must be right. Right? Wrong, I don't care that it's in a book, books can be wrong! Think back now, when did these marbles first show up 1998, back then the colors looked more authentic, as if they made them with the same glass recipes, or a stock of clean cullet, the cut lines looked good, but so many colors most of them had annealing fractures, I'm glad or I too would have been drawn in buy these "exotics" Well I admit I did buy one from Les Jones, colors, cut lines, look right, no fracts, marbleles ebay 1998, I'll keep it though I believe it to be fake also. It really has a snakes head with a forked tongue on one pole! Don't get me wrong not saying anything bad about Les, but these marbles are damn good fakes and really pretty! Who ever makes them quickly learned what colors to run and avoid the fracts! Each & every year I see these exotics at the shows, they get more exotic by the minute! Finally who ever makes these must of ran out of cullet, because the latest ones I see look like Akro colors, in a CA striped transparent pattern. Hey the best thing about me is I'm brutally honest! Didn't I tell you Hey the exotics are fake! Why yes I did.