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Everything posted by nutz4lutz

  1. Thanks to Rick Hall for ID'ing this nice marble as being from the Joker Gold Medal run. Made on April 18, 2011.
  2. Thanks Steve & Jeff. I'm thinking that top row right and bottom center are Buckeye run. These all appear to be from runs meant to produce 1" marbles. Other 3/4" runs have included some large 1" examples, but aren't they just double ingots made by force-feeding the rollers? This tends to make scorched, orange peel textured marbles. None of these have those problems.
  3. I purchased a large lot of contract-run Jabo's in Marietta, Ohio this week. The previous owner wasn't concerned with catalogueing them. He just went for beauty, unique patterns and mixed them all together.
  4. Thanks Rich! Could ALL these be from the 2/8/2011 Buckeye Run (1") ?
  5. Which contract run produced this 3/4" Ode To Oxblood ?
  6. Marked "FES 02". Can someone tell me who the artisan is? Thanks in advance, Bob
  7. I'm looking for people in the know regarding oversized Jabo contract-run marbles. Can anyone help me with ID's on these whoppers? Size averages 15/16" on all of these. Two views of each.
  8. Hi Edna! I was watching Jurassic Park as I sorted the batch this marble came in...the skunk looks like he was stepped on by the dinosaur.
  9. I'm baffled with the ID on this one. My first thought was that it's a WV company like Champion or Alley. But let's say that instead of white, the base color was a medium opaque blue. Instead of black, say the swirls are orange. I think that most people would ID it as CA more often than calling it an Alley. What do you think? Anyone have pics/info on white-based Christensen Agate Swirls? I'm not speaking of white based flames or the Bloodie type, but more your average CA random swirls.
  10. This 5/8" Swirl was part of a vintage lot I recently found in the hills of WV. Stark dark black on bright white, the black trailing off into an indigo blue. I see a double headed bronto/brachiosaurus...or maybe just a dead skunk layin' in the road...stinkin' to high heaven. My apologies to Loudon Wainright.
  11. I've seen only a small handful of these. Bought 4 of them from Junior Ice at a New Philly show 5+ years ago. Perhaps my favorite MK, though I'm partial to Blended Spidermen. But I think the marble above is 100 times harder to find than a Blended Spidey.
  12. Marble at 5 o'clock...Saw one at the Canton show billed as CA. Is it? Marble at 7 o'clock...Champion? Marble at 9 o'clock...looks like a blue lettered crock. Is it? I mean is it a Ravenswood?
  13. Yes, densely loaded with sparkling particles. Unfortunately, it's covered with little round sparkles or checkering. It would be a good candidate for polishing if you're into that sort of thing.
  14. I am looking for stories of folks who have similar/identical marbles. Posted this in the ID forum too.
  15. More of this curious MK type...I received them without any provenance info. My theory was that these are errors made during Tricolor Rainbow production at Paden City in the 1960's, perhaps all made on the same day. I don't recall ever seeing these until just a few months ago. I got 2 from one person, one from another.
  16. I showed the four examples I have to some of the good folks at the Canton marble show yesterday and Bunyan was proposed by one very knowledgeable collector. I still want to emphasize that they measure 7/8". For anyone that can make it, there's in-room trading going on all day today with the show to follow tomorrow.
  17. The mib at 5:00 seems similar. Not sure of production date, purchased with some definite '03 Jabo's.
  18. Measures just a hair under 3/4". Bright opaque yellow base, oxblood spiral with very little twist. Found in the wilds of WV.
  19. I ran across a handful of these recently. They measure 7/8". Vitro?
  20. Here are a few Marble King offerings on Ebay this week. Thanks for caring. http://www.ebay.com/...&_sop=12&_rdc=1
  21. Well, I decided to remove the ebay listing for this marble. Thanks all for your input.
  22. I've owned this marble for 5 or so years, always considered it a Christensen. I decided to list it on ebay and have received one email from a knowledgeable collector who thinks it's not CA. What do you all think?
  23. I will be in Canton by 3PM tomorrow. I'm bringing dozens of pieces of Akro glassware as well as marbles. Bob
  24. Some marbles currently listed on ebay, selling Wednesday evening. Bob Marbles On Ebay
  25. Some of the Akro Agate and Westite glassware I'm offering this week on ebay. Thanks for looking! Bob Glass 4 Sale
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