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Everything posted by nutz4lutz

  1. Sorry, I don't have anything similar. I received the marble in a small ebay lot that contained about a dozen HG slags, faceted agates and chinas.
  2. A friend emailed me about the possibility of this being Christensen Agate. He told me of an original #0 box of CA Slags with a row of smokey gray ones.
  3. This 23/32" marble has transparent smokey gray base glass with wispy white swirls. I've listed it on ebay, stating possibly Leighton. I just don't have the hands-on experience with this type to say so authoritatively. Bob Marbles For Sale
  4. Dammit! I'll be cycling up Mount Mitchell near Asheville, NC that day....
  5. A cullet marble was not machine-made. It's a hand-made. By ebay's definition, if made after 1970, it's a contemporary hand-made. Bob
  6. I'm just sayin'....well, when many folks are selling the same basic thing that presentation means more than the physical item. Why not just lay the marble down and take your pics? Why have 90% of your "money shot" be your unwashed raccoon's paw instead of the marble? I've had the above photo saved for years, not for the sake of the marble, which I really can't ID. It's from a legit ebay listing that just floored me when I saw it.
  7. OK....for a nominal fee, this internationally known hand-model (NOT George Costanza) will class up your marble listings.... - - - - - - - - - - - - GAK!!!!!
  8. I've never even seen one with four colors. I am interested in seeing a pic of one for sure. Also interested in which single color Snake is the toughest to acquire. Bob
  9. Someone posed to me the question of which Akro "Snake" Corkscrews are most rare? I'm speaking of corkscrews with crystal clear base glass and opaque colored spirals. Bob
  10. Some recent Akro finds. The fourth pic is a Westite vase. All currently for sale, and I will be listing more Akro ware soon. Bob Marbles & Glass For Sale
  11. These cool marbles were produced while washing out the glass furnace tank at Jabo in preparation for the recent Encore Run. Reminiscent of the Champion Furnace Runs of the mid-90's.... Bob Ebay - Marbles For Sale
  12. Alfred Russell Wallace was a student of Darwin's and actually came up with the concept of natural selection being the guiding force of evolution. Darwin stole the idea from Wallace and published it before Wallace came into prominence. Anyone interested shoud read "The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinctions" by David Quammen. Bob
  13. I see nothing Jabo about it. I got this in a cigar box ebay lot that included two NLR Tigers, a 1 Inch Peach Slag, CA Slags, multiple Alley Flames, Clays, Akro Patches, Master Sunbursts, Etc. and no other Jabo stuff, not even a Catseye. Often metallic says Champ, but I do see Pelt cues in the yin/yang pattern, plus surface bubbles, and the colors are Rebelish to the max.
  14. No aventurine....Metallic swirls....Is it Peltier?....Opinions, please.... Bob
  15. These Vitro EIGHT FINGERS marbles are getting very hard to find. I've got these listed on ebay right now. At $10 each, they're a STEAL. For you shop-lifters out there, that's the old FIVE-FINGER DISCOUNT...LOL Bob MARBLES 4 SALE
  16. Here's to GOOD FRIENDS, tonight is kind of special. The GLASS we'll pour has to mean something more somehow, So tonight, let it be....COE-nbrau :Happy_143:
  17. BEWARE OF EXPLODING MARBLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a great video game, folks....but you shouldn't lose sleep over your Jabo's spontaneously disintegrating. Bob
  18. Yes, blue aventurine was used during the run. It's really nice in those red, white and blue marbles. The second to last marble in these photos is a 5/8", not 3/4" like most. It's got the pink champagne base glass with oxblood, green and blue aventurine. Here are more views.
  19. Here's to GOOD FRIENDS, tonight is kind of special. The GLASS we'll pour has to mean something more somehow, So tonight, let it be....COE-nbrau :Happy_143: Here's a link to these marbles and more on ebay. Marbles For Sale Bob
  20. I think that's a dark cobalt blue in those 5/8" marbles. I was seeing some with aventurine and oxblood when Brandon and I left last night at 8PM. 5/8" were to run all night, then tentatively, a switch back to 3/4" for the remainder of the run in the morning. Champagne is the name applied to a bubbly pink to lavender colored transparent base glass that was being used. Bob
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