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Everything posted by nutz4lutz

  1. Cool, Steve! Are those Jap Pinchers?
  2. I see this feature most often on Blended Spidermen, but certainly on other MK's as well. I've always believed that it was caused by an error of the mechanism that cuts the stream of glass to form the seams. It appears to be a shred of glass that retains the integrity of the marble's intended pattern. Bob BLENDED SPIDERMAN With Pigtail
  3. Andrea, Yours looks like a blue/green Alley Aventurine Swirl. A HTF marble in my opinion. Dink, I would vote Champion on yours. Bob
  4. Flame On.....We are the Champions!!!!! Bob
  5. Your Welcome, Bocci! I thought you probably saw it as I ran the pics on Mental too. Bob
  6. I was hoping that Dave was there yesterday, but he was out of town, I believe. Needless to say, the marble makers welcomed us in and were happy to show us around. A really great place to take the whole family! Bob
  7. ...and you didn't even make fun of my fleshy hand-shot! Thanks Chris!
  8. Workers call this marble machine the Green Hornet "Boy, it sure is noisy in here!" The finished product. Blue marbles, red hot! One very happy 4-year old "Hey Dad, check this one out!" A few shooters from the Discovery Channel documentary run Thanks for coming along with us, everyone! ...and a great time was had by all! Bob
  9. I took Bonnie and our son, Brandon to see what goes on at the Jabo-Vitro Agate factory in Lower Newport, Ohio today. Here's some pics from our trip. Welcome to Jabo! Jabo factory, office and warehouses Wife Bonnie & Brandon, saying "This is SO cool!" Molten glass hitting the rollers They call this machine "Ethel". Down the chute, into the bucket Ethel is making blue Clearies (Paint Can Marbles) Keep em' coming! Caution: Hot Rollers To Be Continued....Bob
  10. nutz4lutz

    CA cullet

    Cool!!! Mystery solved and it's great to reunite the pic with you!
  11. nutz4lutz

    CA cullet

    No, No!! The Exotics I posted aren't mine. In fact, I don't know who to credit the photo to. I pulled it from a post on Alan's Board several years ago and just remembered where I'd filed it. I believe it shows a good representation of what are considered Exotics. For me, seeing this many in one shot serves to strengthen my opinion that they are not vintage Christensens...but what do I know? Bob
  12. nutz4lutz

    CA cullet

    I don't think they are old, but send me a bucket full !!!! Bob
  13. nutz4lutz


    Do the colorful foreign "CAMEL" boxes contain German Sparklers? What's their country of origin? Did the Saudi's make marbles? They DO have plenty of sand...and camels. Bob
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