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schmoozer last won the day on July 16

schmoozer had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About schmoozer

  • Birthday 09/18/1956

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    Pacific Northwest
  • Interests
    The hunt is the best part for me - to buy low and then sell high.

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/15)

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  1. I’ve interacted with Sami for roughly 20+ years, not a fan.
  2. Watch out for shill bidders…😎
  3. You really only need 4 pics per marble.
  4. Tommy, you been rocking the IDs.
  5. 5 or more. Less is a “flicker”.
  6. I’d go with a striped CAC! Great mib!
  7. Gee, imagine if it was 15/16”?
  8. How common are sparklers that are UV? Found one in my collection just the other day.
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