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schmoozer last won the day on December 17 2024

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About schmoozer

  • Birthday 09/18/1956

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    Pacific Northwest
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    The hunt is the best part for me - to buy low and then sell high.

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  1. Aiden’s brother Alex, was gifted the Peltier book by a local collector. Never seen a happier teenager!
  2. Met up with Aiden and his family, had a good time. All vintage sellers, with great mibs. Saw some great marbles but kept is sensible, bought a Peltier rainbo shooter for $15.
  3. Thanks! just got off the phone with Dani about it, might attend.
  4. Absolutely no advertising, apparently no inroom trading? I wouldn’t expect much traffic… not going.
  5. This implies the authors own the copyrights? The site listed in the 2016 thread by Sami indicates he does. The site for it, peltierglasstoymarbles.com is dead.
  6. Why not issue another run? It’s currently selling for almost 10 times the. Original price. Print a thousand copies and sell at $30. are the authors really trying to educate the hobby or just plain greedy?
  7. Thanks! Got the razors for $5 each. 2 are 8/8” and there’s a 9/8” IXL razor. All big $$$ to professional restorers.
  8. Hit the local antique show last weekend. found 8 small bags, plus 7 very collectible old straight razors. Bags were older ziplock type, total price of $36. There were stickers under the paper labels, total price of ~$240. keepers are in the bowl.
  9. Agree pre-Jabo. the blue is not typical MK… maybe foreign?
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