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cat's eye jack

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Everything posted by cat's eye jack

  1. hi al, thanks very much for your imput, i do have 6 of the 8 vane double white cross thru in 5/8" and 1 in 3/4". i've always thought if patry had one of the 16 vane with 8 white cross thrus there must be more......jack
  2. hi everyone, i'll be 69 in a couple more months and there are two cat's that have eluded me in my 30 years of collecting cat's eye marbles. a few years back i found my 3/4" 8 vane with a 4 vane white cross thrus. if i remember correctly patry had both an 8 vane white cross thru and a 16 vane white cross thru as well, i think they might have been 1" or more in size. does anyone remember these wonderful cat's eyes. thanks, jack
  3. hi steve, it sure looks like one to me, thanks for showing.....jack
  4. how does one get in touch beri fox? thank's jack
  5. don't really need an id but sure would like some information on this mk run. what year these were made would help a lot, it seems these are few and far between as i have only seen a couple of others. sizes 9/16",5/8".......thanks, jack
  6. still 5 hours left on ebay bidding, last i looked it was up to $203, do you think this is a realistic figure? item #140921610346
  7. wow big john, that's fantastic news. i hope and pray that you get back on your feet real soon. your friend jack.
  8. i just sent john money via paypal at his email address, it went through smoothly. i'll be doing it again come payday, linda and i are praying extra hard for your recovery......jack
  9. spotted these on ebay, nice assortment of vintage boxed marbles, some seem a little high, some low......jack http://www.ebay.com/sch/kbatkpranch/m.html?item
  10. the pic is from my files. i've been searching for one of these beauties for several years and still a no show. anyone ever seen one in a collection? thanks for looking.........jack
  11. hi, the famous sea glass beach is in fort bragg ca. the beach was a dump for over 100 years and there was glass as far as you can see. the bad news is it's just about gone, too many tourists carrying out bags and bags every day. could this be the sea glass beach you are thinking about? try checkling it out on google.....jack
  12. a few of my better cat's eyes. #1,1"white cross thru with all transparent vanes #2, 3/4" blue base vitro #3, 5/8" black cross thru #4, 7/16" white cross thru. hope you like.......jack
  13. happy birthday steve, hope your having a great day....jack
  14. thank very much steph, i found the envelope and got the message.....jack
  15. hi buckeye, boy, i feel so dumb. i've been a member since 07 and you are the first person to pm me anything. i honestly don't know where to look. could you please help. thanks, jack,
  16. i feel really dumb, i've been a member since 07 and in all that time no one ever pm me. today someone pm me and i don't know where the heck to look for it.......jack
  17. hi leroy, it sounds like you have a fantastic collection. i have been collecting cat's eyes since 1983 and when the guide to cat's eyes came out i sorta went overboad buying 9 vane, white cross thrus and 4 color cross thrus. it's kinda funny because now, when i sometimes list a few on ebay they want you to give them away lol. it's really great to be able to talk about cat's eye marbles on this site, usually if i do post one i am told to take it over to marble mental. if you get the chance check out my black cross thru on marble and glass chat. nice talking to you leroy.....jack
  18. hi buckeye, wow, that large one is killer. would you be willing to part with it if the price was right?. thanks for showing........jack
  19. every once in a while i like posting my 5/8" black cross thru. it still amazes me just how few of them are in collections. it couldn't have been a normal production run and on the other hand why make any at all if it was a very short run. anyway, i like it a lot and it has to be one of my best cat's eyes. thanks for looking......jack.
  20. those are really great looking cat's marboman, at least i know there may still be a few more out there, maybe with my name on one. lol......jack
  21. i realize that most members aren't into cat's but i wanted to show a marble that was personally i.d. by marlow peterson. it's a one inch cat, three vane with a blue cross thru. he said it's the first one he had ever seen and quite rare in that size. i got it in a lot that i won on ebay for $10.....maybe make good trading material?...jack
  22. i just found an old article written by DAVID C, stating he had one...a 7/8" vitro cage style horseshoe cat's eye in trasnparent windex blue glass. he has only seen or heard of three others. well, i guess that put's my chances down to about 1% lol....jack
  23. i have been searching for the longest time for these two cat's. a friend of mine had this picture in his file and let me borrow it. the top one is a white peltier banana in clear base with six transparent bands, size is 9/16". the bottom is a vitro cage style transparent blue base with white/blue vanes. size is 7/8". my friend seemed to think both were quite rare and extremely HTF. i was wondering if a member could steer me in the right direction. thanks, jack
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