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cat's eye jack

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Everything posted by cat's eye jack

  1. really nice cat's cool. i wish i could get nice pic's like yours...jack
  2. very, very nice peewee, i like it a lot...jack
  3. 7/16" to 1/2" assorted cats..hope you like them. thanks, jack
  4. thank you sue. tell hubby i said happy b-day...jack
  5. thanks a lot reddog...happy b-day raynsandy & glass man
  6. got this 11/16 vitro today, is having such a predominate V make it more valueable? thanks, jack
  7. have a very happy b-day and many, many more....jack
  8. that first 5/8" marble i posted looks like it is going to be a kokomo. the one next to it in pic is 3/4" and a little close to the other. it has a lot going on under the surface, almost like interior dings if there is such a thing. the surface is very smooth.anyway my i.d. is going be a 3/4" agate. thanks, jack (i hope it is not another kokomo lol)
  9. sorry, i sure don't see any seams at all. a while back david somewhat i.d. it, if you want to see his opinion see my post on petes site. it's really the funniest i.d. of all times. thanks, jack
  10. hi ric, hope these photos are better. thanks, jack
  11. not sure ric. i'll send another pic. thanks, jack
  12. hi steph, this marble was i.d. a kokomo. what do you think? thanks, jack
  13. has anyone heard of a marble factory in kokomo indiana? if so what did they make? thanks, jack
  14. this 5/8" marble was i.d. as a jabo butt crack. can anyone tell me a little something about it? scarce?, fairly common? thanks, jack
  15. wow, really cool jabo's. thanks to both of you for the information
  16. forgot to say they are free. thanks jack
  17. made you look lol. i have these marbles that were i.d. as industrial possibly jabos. as in the photo i have 1 colored 7/8, 2 colored 13/16 and 35 of the clear 3/4. they don't fit very well with cat's so if anyone would like one (oddity)?,let me know by e-mail and let me know where to deliver, i'll take care of shipping. thanks, jack
  18. i have had these for quite a while. by accident i noticed these jabo's glowed quite well under blacklight. is this the norm for them? thanks, jack
  19. could anyone let me know if this 5/8" cat is yellow base or not. thanks, jack
  20. hope you are having a very happy birthday steph
  21. are these aqua or just light blue? if not could someone please show me an example of aqua. thanks, jack
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