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Akro gatherer

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Everything posted by Akro gatherer

  1. Just wanting to let you all know.....I am still trying to clean my 3 1/2 gallons of jabo marbles I was able to find while clearing off a slab of cement. Lots of dirt was on it but my trusty Akro diggin' shovel can't be stopped. By the way, I was told that Duffy knew where all the goods ones were but he must have missed a couple. Pics will be coming of the numerous classics I dug up. Hundreds of shooters and hundreds of 5/8"s. There was plenty going on inside the factory but there was also stuff going on outside. Had a great time and am considering trying to get involved as an investor in the next run if there is one and if they'll have me. Met alot of nice people and had fun talking Akro and other marbles. Found out my bag of unknown WV swirls was full of Ravenswoods, Alleys, a couple Masters, lots of Champions, and a few other companies. The only thing I regret was leaving my hat there. LOL. :Party_fest30: :Cartoon_177:
  2. Talk about fast! Here are the marbles already on the bay.
  3. I would say that the 2 pics are popeyes gone wrong. They sure look like it. but if they are yours swirl junky then call them whatever you want.
  4. Alan that would be a question that someone much more involved than me would have to answer. They will probably still be going today due to a problem yesterday morning but I would have no idea.
  5. I buy marbles too and they pack the package well but forget that the marbles still roll around in the package. I take the box or envelope out of the mailbox and sounds like I am playing the tamborine.
  6. Thanks to Enda and Steve for inviting me to today's Jabo run. Thanks to Dave for allowing me to be "Jabo Gatherer" for the day. Thanks to Duffy for not getting all of the good ones. Thanks to Ron for IDing my WV swirls and Bill and others for helping. Lots of Alleys and Ravenswoods! Thanks to Griff, Glangley, Mrs. Glangley, and all of the others whose names I forget for the good time. Thanks for the nice weather and the sunburn. Argh! I have pics that will go up later.
  7. real or fake is hard to say....how about brand new or vintage? those are brand spankin' new looking to me.
  8. it would be hard to say but i would not think that they put those MKs in a buddy box. Steph would be the one to ask. She would nail it.
  9. good info. real but not REAL old. that makes me feel better. of course i wasn't losing sleep anyway. still i guess they may have not been in a box for decades. oh well i hope they sell so it will help the economy.
  10. check out all of his other auctions. lots of nice old bags. :Emoticon-jawdrop: mibs
  11. get some repackaged marble king mibs in a brand new CE Bogard package. If i'm wrong i will buy them and eat them. Great deal!!! and they have been in a box for decades!
  12. they look jabo to me :Emoticon-jawdrop: J/K
  13. are you kidding..........to find 80 akros i would have to dig myself dead and still only find 20 keepers. :Emoticon-jawdrop: i have alot of marbles of every variety that i can think of. no chinese or germans yet though. except for a couple benningtons.
  14. just got them in the mail today. these are on their way.
  15. bitter and vengeful...............I will be back! :Cartoon_177:
  16. this is all i got......the biggest is 1.879"
  17. i only have a mega thats over 1". not much of a collection.
  18. I had to ask Atlas to help me with this one. Thanks Alan for the pic.
  19. i did not mean to come off like i was disagreeing with you, bluerock. i was just offering an oppinion. sorry if i did.
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