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Akro gatherer

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Everything posted by Akro gatherer

  1. do not take offense to this but what is morally or ethically wrong with diggin'? I dug at the Big Dig, which was legal. I had permission to dig mostly where all my stuff came from. I admit there might have been a time or twleve that I picked up stuff that others left after illegally digging or maybe took avantage of a fenceline or two but I never demolished, destroyed, or defaced any property. Some diggers do have morals and ethics. Just for the record. No offense taken Gary just wanted to put this out there.
  2. i think i heard that there was a marble king factory site that did this.
  3. the diggers i know would not dig unless it was worth their while.
  4. The riverbank, hillside, private properties, and most surrounding area has been devastated by some diggers. I have dug there but not to the degree that has happened lately. the police are now patroling frequently and after walking around I could not find a decent place to even attempt to dig. I believe the diggin' days at Akro are ending fast. the only real places left would be under city or folio's property. which is a whole nother issue!
  5. A few to lok at. 2 german sparklers, some big cateye thing, 4 jabos---across the top. the bottom i got on the bay. i recognize the pelt and a few vitro the others i dont know.
  6. we had fun. lots of marbles and good people. there were many tables and people that i did not get a pic of due to my negligence.
  7. Edna and I am unsure of the other person. I believe his name is Eddie. The last name is Sesse or something. Apology for my ignorance.
  8. Sam Hogue and I would guess his wife. Elizabeth Farrar
  9. griff lil' akro gatherer (Brian), Dave McCullough, Steve Spurtz and wife. some kid I picked up along the way and Dave McCullough I am not sure.
  10. Me and my little one went and had a good time. Thanks to everyone who gave him marbles. Lots of good conversations. Thanks to Steve, Dave, Griff, Duff, Edna and Husband (the name slips my mind), Bill, plus the others whom I don't know personally. Bought marbles but the youngun kept most of them. The floor was slippery due to a certain person rolling marbles across it . Still looking for that Buckskin/ Custard based Akro. Lots of REALLY nice Jabos.
  11. Apparently I need to open up my loving arms and squeeze the room. Some until they stop breathing. :Cartoon_177: Just kidding.
  12. how would i get to this show if a man like me was interested? what building is it in? any help for this old man would be greatly appreciated. BAN PAZCRAZ FROM EBAY AND HERE!!!!!!!! :Computers_comp18:
  13. happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 :Party_fest33: :Party_fest30: LOL
  14. My name is Brian but I am not a kid in age but at heart. Guess thats why I ruffle feathers. :Cartoon_177:
  15. the oxblood i have is red. all akro and maybe an mfc brick or two. plus i believe that i now posess a few jabo oxbloods. all red but thats just my collection. i cant speak for others.
  16. i spoke to a frIend of some of us and he told me that he believes that oxblood can be different colors. i have no examples sorry. just someone who knows marbles and very well told me that. i am just a messenger. BUT......i do have alot of akro oxblood and it is all red and you cannot see into it. i have swirls, patches, bricks and a cork i think. BTW.......ILOVE YOU ALL :Happy_050:
  17. The first self-imposed unbanning..................................... :Cartoon_177: :Party_fest33: :Party_fest30: :Happy_143: :Happy_457:
  18. lololololololololololololol sorry but mind your own business. i would have said worse but i'm not that type of person. :Cartoon_177:
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