If i started a thread saying "boy, it's a nice day." Some how it would end up in a fight. LOL. Ebay is a rip-off place guaranteed most of the time but if you were ripped off face to face then you must accept some responsiblity. Example........I was at the flea market Saturday. seen a small fish tank with a jar of gravel inside. inside that jar akro colors were peeking out. i asked to see the jar and then to dump it out. after dumping it out the only good shaped marble i found was a 3-color (besides the clear/whispy white) popeye (red, white, lavender.....the red blends to a nice orange into the white) i asked how much for the marble. she asked me what it was worth. i asked her how much she wanted for the whole tank.....knowing it was marked $4.......she said $4. i told her i would give her $1 for it. she said ok. did i rip her off......i dont think so. it is not my responsibility to appraise her stuff. oh well "boy......it's a nice day."