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Akro gatherer

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Everything posted by Akro gatherer

  1. Remember when lots of pics got posted and lots of ID'S were needed? Now it seams that every thread ends up negative. The "How is Alan" thread was the first nice one in a while and it even went south. I feel like Sully in "The Perfect Storm"-----Where's the love?.
  2. wow.......that is big. I am not sure of it being master. my books dont have anything that big in them. but steve's mibs would know and since he just had a birthday maybe he is retired now and has time to post.
  3. what would one be worth. there is one at the local flea market for 8.00. stamped akro and no chips as far as i can see. green on white.
  4. It's the Egyptian step system. You'll never rise above it! LOL. p.s. I don't know.
  5. I was watching a tv show and in a lake in northern canada there was a 14 foot lake trout caught and brought up to the side of the boat. WOW ! Even Griff would be scared of that thing.....but thats alot of good eats.
  6. Boy this thread turned quickly from good info to something else. I am sorry but why does everything end up negative in here. If this post is offensive to anyone well I don't know what to say other than can't we all just get along. I guess there may be some history here between people I know nothing about but let's just all hold hands and sing "Kumbaya".
  7. i'd love to call them..........MINE! but alas masters are getting harder to come by. easily one of the rarest marbles on ebay.
  8. Well now Carole has brightened up the marble day. Thanks a bunch. I'm sure some are headed to you very soon.
  9. scott.......i believe i chimed in on the whole glass compatiblility issue when it was raised. if i offended you at that time i did not mean to, guess i should only talk about things i know something about. btw thanks for everything again. Super marble community member!
  10. my guess is MFC marbles. i have no facts or anything just wanted to guess.
  11. vitro mk mid-atlantic 9-11 pelt vacor german/european sparkler champion akro
  12. Thanks also goes out to the old marble nut. We had a great time watching him work and are very grateful for the gifts.
  13. i agree. she is very generous. there are others too. those are neat. my mom use to knit and crochet all kinds of stuff.
  14. looks like that ox bled to death into your collection.
  15. I just want you all to know that I enjoy coming to this site and hanging out. Some of you have been very nice and it is appreciated. My son and I now have enough marbles to look at thanks to some of you and the offers and I hope we are able to give you something in return. Thanks again.
  16. Someone has gone out of their way to make sure that me and my son had some new marbles to look at. I wish they wouldn't have but they did so I hope they don't get mad at me crowing about it but THANKS TO FELICIA. Keep your eye on the mail!
  17. i don't get excited over modern Vacors. but i tell you what i'll take them off of your hands. :Cartoon_177:
  18. is it the economy or is everyone just trying to get rich quick. there are no deals on ebay, the flea market or yard sales anymore. i am so tired of not being able to afford clearies because the guy swears that they were his grandfather's and they are in an antique jar. i understand that a marble may book at 1000.00. but if you can only get 500.00 out of itand you tried for a year or so.....guess what it is worth. 500.00. most price guides do go off of the current market. there are a few haves that can afford the big stuff on the bay then there are the have nots who have to dig or bust open spray paint cans to find a marble. (okay maybe it is not that bad but it is pretty bad out there.) when i first started collecting about 1 1/2 years ago, i found deals on the bay, yard sales, and fleaville.......not anymore. i dont know why i posted this.....just want marbles!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. 1001 ways to die. if that is why he died, that has to be the first time that has happened. kinda like the skiing accident one earlier this year. God's plan is a mystery but it is his plan.
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