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Jill Marie

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Everything posted by Jill Marie

  1. Hi Edna, I don't really know what opals are, you would have to share some more of your knowledge with me again; and I will check them out. I'm glad you like them. I really like those blue and brown ones I see in your pics, some are in the; I think 4th box down...What are those called?
  2. Hi Edna, thanks for this post, I have a little more knowledge of vitros thanks to you!!!!! Thought you might like to see a bit of my small collection. It's not much, but I do enjoy their colors!!!
  3. I have to say, this one is SWWEEEEETTTTTTTTT!!!!!!.............................
  4. I liked the History lesson. I don't have any shooters, wish I did, those are gorgeous!!!!!!!! My home town is about an hour from St. Louis, and a friend of the family came by 2 whole boxes of these. He runs a small antique shop just outside of Effingham, IL. I just don't know enough about marbles to be able to tell him a whole lot, shame on me since I have been enjoying them for so long. I had a bag already, and he gave me another; saying he had a couple boxes full. Do you know when these came out? Sincerely, Jill Marie
  5. These are some of my browns, I thought you might like to see..., great subject, I do enjoy looking at all the possibilities...They are beautiful! Jill Marie
  6. I wish they would do stuff like that today, I would bee wearing tennis shoes instead of sandals....
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