I'm glad you like my fish.......and Marie is not my last name, it's my middle, although I do have three first names, my last name is Jaime............. I am called either Jill Marie or Jill or Jaime or even Hey You!!!!!,
My closest sister(friend), calls me Jill Marie and I sign my paintings Jill Marie, I kinda have gotten in the habit of both first and middle, although I have no problem if you just wanna say Jill........it's quicker to type. ......
Since you like it , I will show it one more time......Along with a giant 2" wirepull, and some fun sunny ones.......
Come on everyone, I wanna see some more sharing.......... ......................
Okay, I have to edit mine, them are some pretty marbles you all are showing, you got yours in while I was lollygagging over here........Adventurine, and Sparkler'sssssssssss WOW!!!!!!