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Jill Marie

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Everything posted by Jill Marie

  1. Jill Marie


    1. The first one is I think just a strange color combo. 2. The white is at the center? I haven't found any of my other like it, usually the white is at an end. 3. I just don't know, green on the left, blue on right, weird center...I think it is kinda yellow in the center. 4. This one is the opposite of the Whitie, it is a clear dark center, I took the third pic so you could see a dark amber. 5. And this one is I think a Whitie, but it has one of the stripes yellow, the other half blue, I thought it only had one color around. I am asking because I couldn't find their identity, but I thought maybe you all knew what they were. Thanks for looking!
  2. Welcome aboard!!!!! Nice Galaxy!

  3. Man, I wish I could be there...my family is from Effingham IL, and I'm stuck out here in the middle of a windy desert, in CA...blah! You all have fun tommorrow! Sincerely, Jill Marie
  4. Just a couple more bluesy's
  5. I like blue too! Haven't been here in awhile, and love seeing the monthly colors...these are some old pics, but the color is too pretty...hope you all are doing great! talk to you again soon, Love Jill Marie
  6. Hope I'm not intruding, but where is the Sisterville Festival? Jill Marie
  7. Here's one of mine, and I think two....... P.S. great threads Steph....
  8. I'm not sure if it glows or not, I had a black light, but since the move I'm not sure were it is.
  9. I didn't even notice it till you said it, with the blue marbles beside the main one we're discussing, kinda creates moons.....The background sparkles is none other than the gray foam from the gun cases I carry them in......mmmmmmm........You gotta good eye......my bathroom light put some sparkles in that airy foam......wish I had purposefully thought of it. You know Steph, this marble could actually be an Alley, but I don't know.....You know me and my ID issues :rol: ...lol..........and that being said, I'll leave the rest to you all!!!!!!
  10. To me, the pistachio shown, is a little too minty, a little too blue, pistachio actually has a slightly warm color to it, more earthy. I would go with the first color, more nutty. My pics didn't turn out the best, I tried flash, but it bleached out the color. So I tried without flash, and my unsteady hand, caused a slight blur, and a little dark. Although this marble also makes me want some mint chocolate chip icecream ...... with this lt.green/chocolate brown colors, I would say Ravenswood also......
  11. Is this a Cateye? It's Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I have to say, I love the purple ones......................
  14. !!!!!!!SHAZAAM!!!!!!!!!..........CATEYES.........AND A FRIEND OF THE FISH (FOR BOB)............ OKAY, I know that no matter how much I snazzz it up You all got me beat hand down........... :Cool_049: YOU ROCK..................
  15. I'm glad you like my fish.......and Marie is not my last name, it's my middle, although I do have three first names, my last name is Jaime............. I am called either Jill Marie or Jill or Jaime or even Hey You!!!!!, My closest sister(friend), calls me Jill Marie and I sign my paintings Jill Marie, I kinda have gotten in the habit of both first and middle, although I have no problem if you just wanna say Jill........it's quicker to type. ...... Since you like it , I will show it one more time......Along with a giant 2" wirepull, and some fun sunny ones....... :worthless: Come on everyone, I wanna see some more sharing.......... ...................... Okay, I have to edit mine, them are some pretty marbles you all are showing, you got yours in while I was lollygagging over here........Adventurine, and Sparkler'sssssssssss WOW!!!!!!
  16. boy did I ....... I like them parrots, and yellow jackets.......
  17. I know mine can't compare, but I still wanna share.........Okay, that wasn't suppose to rhyme . Boy, I sure can't take pictures.......But, Here's some Jody Fine's Ribbons, and a fish from Germany.........He swam all the way :icon_lmao: .............I will let you guess the rest............
  18. Hey :Emoticon-jawdrop: who said Alan could play!!!!! I want one of those.......................Gorgeous Marbles Alan!!!!! Thankx for sharing! Jill Marie
  19. Well, I'm not really ditzy, only when it comes to mechanical/electrical/computery (I guess computery is electrical/mechanical) things......lol...... Jill Marie
  20. Okay, I am truly blonde!!! I didn't get that I could listen to the Song until Edna said somepin'...then I clicked it................ I LLLLOOOOvvvveeeddd IT ! My husband liked it too, he told me to make it my theme song.......... Thanks Steph, I really wanted to make one up :Cool_049: , but I can't top this one!!!!! Jill Marie Edna, since you started this blog, You inspired me to look through my own collection to find more, and actually know what they are!!!!! Thank YOU!!!!
  21. Edna, you sure do have a nice collection......but I'm sure you didn't need me to tell you that.... :Cool_049: .......Marble on.........We need to have a marble song..............
  22. It just goes to show how small our world really is......... These have some awesome colors, Yowza , These are cool........... Thanks Edna!!!!!.........
  23. Thanks Edna for all your sharing!!! Jill Marie
  24. Your first one. There are also some in the last box on your first post that have blue and brown coloring also. Thanks Edna, I will be looking forward to your post tommorrow. Jill Marie
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