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Jill Marie

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Everything posted by Jill Marie

  1. For Sure I Will!, I'm sooo excited...awesome! I am gonna try and go to the Prairie Marble Show in Decatur IL, my parents are in Effingham, Hope to see you there...
  2. Thanks Chuck! I will get to add another little section to my pelts...
  3. Yep, I love that marble...I just wish I could've gotten it with all the adventurine showing, it kept blurring out with the shimmer (this one and Rich's with the copper are the only ones I had trouble with, it was weird)...no macro lens, just that fuji I just got with 26x magnifying...I don't think it's macro anyway, I just pulled it outta the box and started shooting. I am really bad about reading instructions, I put it on the 'flower/close-up' setting...well, that's my lingo, kinda simple...sorry; I guess I should read up more on what I purchase
  4. NO, sorry Edna, I had what one calls a brain fart.... Yes, tracers are pelts....duh..Please forgive me while I go put my face in the corner....I think my signature goes well here...lol, but I think these are just rainbows...Unless someone else knows a special name for them?
  5. Not sure what they are called....I know my MK's that have a similar look are called Tracers(not sure why or where all the names come from yet), but those two are pelts...I think they are just Rainbows...but it looks like we both had some fun!
  6. This was a Blast, 1 is Ferguson, 2 are Simpson's Earths (I think these are the easiest to spot), & 3 are Rich's... can you figure out who's whos'?..... s
  7. I didn't have any flaming dragon pelts soooo.... I was happy to pick these up for a buck a piece... They were all in mint condition ta boot..
  8. Sighhhhhh!!;;;;...........What a beautiful mib! maybe one day....mmm....sooooo pretty! Thanks for the new info and picture!
  9. My favorite colors are browns and turquoise! Very Nice Ric!
  10. Thanks everyone...I haven't really studied either the VW's or Champions, so I am ever so happy for any reasons or suggestions for your thoughts as to why; swirl look or color perhaps... Thanks again for all your time, patience, and help!
  12. LOVELY!....The sun does do wonderful things for glass ....ENJOY YOUR EVENING!
  13. I agree, so what do think the first one is? it is an older marble, just wonder the maker... maybe Jabo....I don't know, the pattern is throwing me off...
  14. Thanks for the advise as a buyer and a seller! So far I have been very fortunate...
  15. Thanks, that really sucks, cause I paid the most for it; not knowing, but seeing it with the others having the red, I think you are right! It was advertised as a yellow jacket and I thought, well I don't have one....cool....then I picked up the others a few days later and well; there u have it! Just goes to show how easily we are duped if we don't study up and know our stuff! I realized to, I need to look at the new stuff out there so I don't get confused or misled again.
  16. aawwwww, Felix has a friend! Steph, I've been saving this for you!
  17. Sorry, I didn't want to do that, just wanted to get any information on the first ones I posted....I looked, and haven't seen any like them...that was just my first guess...even the ones in post #3 not sure what they are either, except 4 the pistachio. Please if we could id these that would be great, I definetly don't want to get stuck on turkey heads or cacs....THank you all for your time and patience!
  18. this post just got off track...my fault.... So I erased it in hopes it gets back to the identification of the mibs, THanks...
  19. I have a few of those beauts (true cac turkeys) Uploaded Today, 10:15 AM , but I was wondering who might have made the others.... THanks for the pic! Your first one has a nice snood!
  20. That's fine, I don't really know what they are though, they came with all older marbles....they are strange, and that was my closest guess... they all are about 4/8ths in size... any guesses anyone? the first one I posted has a similar fold to the first one in the pic... so who made this kind of swirl?
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