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Jill Marie

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Everything posted by Jill Marie

  1. I know right!....my living room is red and green, like I said I would be more than happy to provide you with an address, it would look great next to my couch!...
  2. I don't own alot of them, and I still am not sure about the folds...but I'm guessing this is the turkey head....this one is on the smaller side. I notice they don't always run the 5/8ths, but a bit smaller or larger? more so than other makers, why is that? THat is to say if it is a CA....I don't know why, but what I see in hand always looks different than what I photo... here are a couple that look quite unusual, the only way to really see the design is with the light...but in hand it looks just like egg yolk....these are also on the small side...one has a definite 9 when I try to photo them with normal light, they just look like yellow game marbles...
  3. THAT'S AWESOME....MY ADDRESS IS .........!
  4. Cool, wish I still lived in Cali! Maybe I will mail you some!
  5. I like them rich, I am gonna get another one from you today that I have been eyeballing on Etsy....You do make them alot larger than any older ones I have ever seen....I think as long as you keep em big, there should be no problems; well, that's JMO...I can see the concern for newbies if they were 5/8ths or 7/8ths...But they are pretty..., I was thinking about learning to remelt some myself, just cause I got so many pieces and broken ones I can't do anything with, and I don't want to throw them away.
  6. Very Nice!...nice to see we aren't being haunted :ph34r: .....I'd like a lot like that too......
  7. I really like the blue slag looking dish...
  8. <p class="ict-w1" id="vv4-45" title="marbles : Peltier : Ketchup and mustard : Mint"> Item number: 180719587081 Image not available Enlarge Well, I am not getting to many responses on Ebay, so I hope it was okay to show it here........If you all have any ideas on how I could better sell, I am more than happy to recieve suggestions! THanks for looking!
  9. Man...I wish I wasn't in Ohio either...wait, I'm not...LOL Those are awesome! My time will come! Jackpot! Life is full of wonderful suprises!
  10. Thank You!, I will...my parents live in IL, and I will have to get in touch with you when we pass by to see them.....
  11. I have a question for you all, I am 4sure no expert...I am not familier with the sizes of marbles; (what the norm is)...but the liberty and ketchup/mustards I got are smaller than the 5/8ths...and most of my previous ones are 5/8ths-3/4ths...are the smaller ones normal? By the way, thank you, I did get a nice bunch of mibs...most of the pelts are mint, especially the ones I just mentioned... It was a very nice suprise!
  12. Well, we have just moved to Ft Riley KS....hoping to get involved with the club here. I posted earlier (didn't title it with KS though) and went to the website, hoping that I will hear from anyone in KS...Still continuing to learn about marbles, and hope that I can be of assistance too...
  13. That's the one AL,...wish I had some of those cereal box prizes! Cool!
  14. I'm glad to hear that it wasn't life threatning. Thank you Lord!
  15. Old Glass Marbles Old Glass Marbles (170681406756) between 400-500 mibs
  16. A nice lot I won off of ebay...was a nice suprise for they only showed one bag of five...these are just a few...excited and want to share .
  17. The last one in your 1st post is awesome! Nice find!
  18. Hi Everyone! We have successfully moved from Ft Irwin CA, to Ft Riley KS...I am happy to be settled, If you are from this area let me know, and I would love to help out with any functions if at all possible. We are now a tad bit closer to civilization as Sharon can attest, and sooooo tickled pink! Just wanted to give an update and hope to get in touch with any KS locals. From an Antique shop in St. Elmo IL really good deal, super excited Gift from a dear friend who is no longer with us, Grizzly Bullard. From an Antique shop outside of Champaign IL
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