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Everything posted by kbobam
Here are a couple more words which I'm guessing came from the same original source as 'clishmaclaver'. Just remembered that "I Would Walk 500 Miles" song, which caused me to look up 'haver'. Pretty much the same thing. And I saw a TV commercial the other day for what I think is the old show 'Gunsmoke'. If you skip the 'old west' spelling here, 'palaver' or 'palavering' also fit the bill well. ( :
Ha! That could be it! Wasn't sure why I posted this, but I've always liked multi-colored multi-canvas displays of his work. Kind of like the soup-can too. ( :
I was thinking the same way. Not in any position to say, but my 'personal feeling' has always been that a baseball simply requires a continuous pattern that pretty clearly resembles the shape of tradition baseball stitching. And nothing, or not much, else. I've also always enjoyed my collection of different-colored baseballs. Maybe they aren't. I'm willing to accept that. But I really don't understand the 'blue' concept. Red would make much more sense! ( :
I don't know! But you know you'd 'root' for them! witch! Since I'm still in my psychedelic marble mood, I just thought of something fun. I'm picturing a situation back in the marble heyday, where all the major manufacturers might have had softball teams which played each other. What would the team names be? I'm pretty sure 'The Rainbos' would be in that group. Although, now that I think about it, these days team names don't always follow the old-school rule of being the plural of something simple and logical. So the Peltier 'Peerless' might be a good name too! ( :
There was recently an 'introduction' post from Mississippi. I've always liked that state's name. It has a sort of 'ring' and 'flow' to it. And remember how proud you were when you first memorized how to spell it? That had a flow to it too. You'd never spell it one slow letter at a time. While I was in this state of mind, it popped into my head that "The Mississippi Marbles" would be a good 'team' name. Have any sports teams ever used 'marbles' in their name?
Some of the old 'Peace, Love, & Marbles' parties sure were something! Steph is getting warmer......
Nice! Got the fancy headphones on, and this is an unusually good-sounding recording. And of course it's a great album-cover shot! "It ranked #100 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time" I really had no plans to post these photos. I was just goofing around trying some color adjustments I'd never used before. Then I thought welllllllllll.... they are marbles. There are probably some people here who are a little irritated that I took 30 seconds from them they'll never get back. But I have a plan to 'win them back'! Here goes: Guess What Kind of Marble This Is and Win A Big Prize! (The applause and admiration of all your friends and colleagues here!)
♪ Smarty pants! Smarty pants! Sat down on a hill of ants! ♪ Just kidding. I appreciate your many cat-lives!
No idea! It just sounded similar. Maybe? Just noticed a slightly less exotic, but still interesting, word in the TV guide. I'm guessing that 'tutelage' is probably better-known by people who speak or have learned 'British' English, as opposed to those who speak the 'U.S.' variety. But it's still a completely valid 'U.S. English' word. It's just that approximately 80% of us have no idea what it means. And of the 20% who do, it's unlikely that even half would be able to spell it correctly. Including me. If you gave me this word, I'd definitely lose the 'spelling bee'. ( :
My dad felt similarly passionate about pizza and anchovies. To him, it wasn't really pizza without them. When I was eight I thought he was insane. These days I can take or leave them, but every once in a while something like this here looks like the 'Food of the Gods' to me. ( :
I wound up with a new television channel a while back. (Fellow Nerds! Don't forget to 're-scan' your TV every once in a while! You never know!) This station shows a lot of old sit-coms, which is great by me. Most of the time I get into a sort of trance, where I actually feel like I'm a little kid again, watching the show for the first time fifty years (or whatever) ago. But every once in a while the 'adult me' comes out. In this particular situation I had to raise my arm in a 'right-on' manner and yell out "Go Mr. French!" He had just 'secured' (as he would say) a date with Ann Sothern! Yay!
Cherry pie is a little more interesting than apple. But if you 'up the ante' and make an Apple Brown Betty, I'll go with that. And I can't help wondering what percentage of people like having a slice of cheese on their apple pie. As much as I like cheese, this combination makes no sense at all to my taste-buds. But, as we've already determined elsewhere, we're all quite different when it comes to 'taste'. ( :
'Apple', specifically the 'green' variety has ticked me off for some years now. At some point many candy manufacturers who make assortments of fruit-flavored candies decided that 'green apple' should be a staple. And dropped one of the 'classic' flavors to include it. Same thing with watermelon. I want my green candy to be lime and my red to be cherry, dammit! ( :
Thash <burp> thish guysh name!
My money's on Dorothy Parker for the lobotomy line, although I don't think that's ever been verified. Having brought her up, here's one of hers that fits in well with Ann's quote. “I require three things in a man: he must be handsome, ruthless, and stupid.” And my favorite filthy one: “Tell him I was too ****ing busy-- or vice versa.”
Huh! Another new one on me. Always just assumed that all bug music came from your standard crickets. Sometimes around here I'll hear a sort of 'stereo' effect, where there are two distinct groups of chirping going on. You really can't tell where they're coming from, but you can tell it's not quite from the same place. Maybe I've heard the katydids and didn't know it. ( :
If that's not what these things are called, they should be.
It's always disturbing to me to realize just how many things are going on about which I simply don't have a clue. This was the 'closing scene' in the latest episode of the sit-com TV show 'The Goldbergs'. How did the 'Wawa' store wind up appearing here? These days, you just can't do something like that casually without risking all hell breaking loose. So clearly, Wawa 'approved' of this. But who paid whom for this situation to occur? Or did the Goldbergs people simply ask Wawa if it would be okay, and they said "Hell, yes!" I guess this whole thing kind of reminded me how the makers of M&Ms made their biggest mistake ever by not letting their candy be used in the E.T. movie. I'm pretty sure that the people involved in that decision aren't working there any more. But it's completely beyond me how there could have ever been an 'issue' in the first place.
Ha! The different approaches to dealing with the situation all sound more than reasonable! And the 'definition' is great! ( :
You just reminded me that I always call her Babs because I never spell Barbra correctly. ( :
Every once in a while, I'll notice that I'm seeing a larger number of army-recruitment ads on television than are normally there. Most likely, there's some sort of 'computer model' involved, which tracks recruitment figures constantly and signals someone to increase 'advertising' when the numbers fall below a certain threshold. But I can't help worrying "Do they know something I don't?"
As much as I like Babs, I think Laura Nyro got this one right the first time. For those not familiar, Laura probably wrote at least several songs you're familiar with. She was kind of a genius, and singing 'covers' of her songs was a tricky business. I do have to admit that The 5th. Dimension kicked butt with 'Stoned Soul Picnic'. ( :